Wednesday, August 15, 2018 by Ethan Huff
It’s not enough anymore to just be a “regular” homosexual in modern-day America.
The cult of LGBT has moved the goal posts once again, and is now demanding that its members demonstrate some sort of next-level “gayness” in order to truly qualify as genuine LGBT. Otherwise, like Hollywood actress Ruby Rose recently learned, they could be accused by the radical Left of being “not gay enough.”
Rose, who self-identifies as “gender fluid,” was recently cast as “Batwoman,” making her the first openly gay superhero ever to headline a network television show. Since Batwoman’s alter ego, Kate Kane, is a self-described lesbian, many critics felt as though Rose was “perfect” for the role.
But social justice warriors (SJWs) all over social media disagreed. According to reports, Rose actually deleted her account on Twitter after sustaining a barrage of hate from angry leftists who accused her of not being lesbian enough for the role.
Those opposed to Rose playing the role of Batwoman were so triggered by her casting that they actually started the hashtag “#RecastBatwoman,” arguing that the role should have gone “to a lesser-known LGBTQ+ actress in need of an acting break.”
“Where on earth did ‘Ruby is not a lesbian therefore she can’t be Batwoman’ come from – has to be the funniest most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read,” Rose tweeted just before completely deleting her account.
“I came out at 12? And have for the past 5 years had to deal with ‘she’s too gay’ how do y’all flip it like that? I didn’t change,” she added.”
For more news on leftist insanity and liberals eating their own, be sure to check out LiberalMob.com.
It seems as though individuals, both men and women, who reject the “shock value” trends in radical LGBT activism are no longer accepted within the community. Rose would fall into this category, seeing as how she’s a beautiful and overtly feminine individual who The Guardian once described as “a beautiful, down-to-earth lesbian.”
Rose admittedly oscillates between “feminine” and “masculine,” hence why she describes herself as gender fluid. But it’s Rose’s feminine side that her critics seem to have a problem with, illustrating the gross intolerance that many leftists have towards people who, despite being LGBT, still embody their natural biological sex.
It would seem as though the only acceptable LGBT members these days are those that completely defy their normal biology. Biological males who are LGBT are expected to be as effeminate and bizarre as possible, and biological females who are LGBT are expected to be as “butch” and non-female as possible.
This would appear to be some people’s beef with Rose, who has undeniably attractive features that reflect on her biological femininity – which the cult of LGBT simply refuses to tolerate or accept. Thus, Rose must be removed from the role and ostracized, in their eyes, in order to make way for an LGBT character who’s “edgier” and more “shocking” in appearance and behavior.
Interestingly enough, it was a group of angry lesbians at a recent “Pride” event in London that took to the streets in protest of this phenomenon. As we previously reported, these same lesbians expressed outrage that their own identities are being overridden by an onslaught of “trans” individuals who are making “traditional” lesbians obsolete within the LGBT community.
The cult of LGBT also now takes issue with so-called “drag queens,” which it says are “offensive” to trans people who dress like the opposite sex as part of their “identities,” rather than for entertainment purposes.
See more news coverage at IdentityPolitics.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Batwoman, biology, cult of LGBT, drag queens, gayness, gender, gender fluid, gender wars, homosexual, identity politics, insanity, left cult, Left-wing, leftist mob, Leftists, lesbian, LGBT, LGBT mafia, Libtards, London, pride, Ruby Rose, Social media, Twisted, Twitter