Wednesday, October 10, 2018 by JD Heyes
After watching Democratic senators pull out all the stops in their attempt to assassinate the character of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, one of the finest legal minds in our country, it should surprise no one that most of the party’s sycophantic supporters are equally depraved.
Take Georgetown Prof. Christine Fair, the feminazi, to borrow a phrase from Rush Limbaugh, who recently tweet-fantasized about the “miserable deaths” of Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee who supported Kavanaugh. In addition to voicing support for murder, she also admitted to PJ Media last week that she operates a “doxxing” blog to which she posts names, phone numbers, and addresses of anyone who sends her ‘rude’ emails.
The blog, called “ShitMenSay” on Tumblr, was first launched in January 2017, the month in which POTUS Donald Trump was inaugurated. She started by posting screenshots of “hate mail” she had been sent via Facebook and email. Those screenshots normally only included the sender’s name and email address.
PJ Media noted further:
But as early as May 2017, Fair changed course. Instead of simply screenshotting the person’s email or Facebook message, Fair appears to have subscribed to a service that would help her figure out where these people exactly live.
PJ Media reviewed hundreds of posts (yes, hundreds) on “ShitMenSay” and identified 11 accounts of full-on doxxing, for which home addresses, phone numbers, photos, aliases, and occasionally work phone numbers and other family members were made public.
“When will these male trolls learn?” she blogged Sept. 28. “I do research for a living. Locating their residences (these folks live in a town in [redacted] near an elementary school on [redacted] St.), their wives, employers, etc. is mental sport for me,” she wrote in a doxxing post.
“I will be notifying his current and past employer as well as his wife,” she noted in a separate post.
Fair, naturally, justifies her endangerment of other people by labeling her actions as providing “accountability” for “harassment.” But as PJ Media reported, she gets “garden variety hate mail,” nothing threatening or treacherous. In any instance, such email would never rise to a legal level of harassment. Fair just does what she does because as a hatemongering feminist she likely doesn’t have much time for a social life.
For instance, she doxxed one man for writing, “I find it interesting that you refer to half the [men] in this country as a form of ape. Your (sic) a PHD right? I guess it must not be difficult to get a PHD.” He then ended his email with, “HAHAHHAAHA GO TRUMP, I’M GLAD HE IRRITATES YOU.” (Related: Capitol Police arrest Dem staffer Jackson Cosko for ‘doxxing’ GOP senators; may he rest in jail.)
In response, Fair published his email, phone number, and address, as well as contacted his employer (when does she have time to do actual research?).
One man contacted by PJ Media, “K,” told the news site he had no idea he had been doxxed (and that could be due to a low number of followers of Fair’s blog).
“Why would she post my personal information? Is it to create an opening for someone … to harass me? Is this the new way for people with extreme points of view to ‘punish’ and try to quiet those that disagree with them?” K asked PJ Media.
“Since when is the goal to damage or have some anonymous person damage a person that disagrees online? Muzzling free speech thru fear is not an American ideal. It does however, seem to be a new weapon to beat down conservative voices. Sad situation,” he added.
For another man, “B,” things got dicier. He said he was contacted via emails that contained “gruesome” images and at least one threatening phone call.
To some, doxxing is just a 21st century version of invading someone’s privacy. It’s time Congress or state lawmakers passed measures holding people legally accountable for doxxing.
Then perpetrators like Prof. Fair can practice other forms of “mental sport” behind bars.
Read more about the libtard Left and its antics against conservatives at Libtards.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Christine Fair, Congress, conservatives, domestic terrorism, doxxing, employers, endanger, extreme politics, Illegal, insanity, invasion of privacy, jail time, legislation, Libtards, violence