11/07/2019 / By JD Heyes
Beginning in the 1960s with widespread ‘rebellion’ against traditionalist America, the Left has waged a culture war on our history.
For decades most of the battles were fought out of the limelight and received little attention nationally, but with the spread of social media and the election of Barack Obama as president in 2008, the Left has really cranked up the effort to destroy our heritage.
In the Age of Trump, the battles continue to rage and are more open today than at any time in our history.
The latest assault comes from Port Angeles in far-Left Washington state. The Leftist mayor, Sissi Bruch, is actually calling for the removal of a silhouette featuring armed U.S. soldiers that adorns a fence that has been built to protect a Liberty Bell replica in the city’s Veterans Memorial Park.
What’s worse, the fence is new: It was approved earlier this year by the city government and was paid for using private donations.
Leave it a Left-wing lunatic to complain about a silhouette featuring armed soldiers…at a veterans memorial.
As noted by a photo accompanying a local news report regarding the story, the two soldiers depicted are from the Revolutionary War, so they’re not even ‘carrying’ modern weapons — not that it would matter to any rational person.
The Peninsula Daily News reports there is, at least, some pushback on this ridiculous request:
Mayor Sissi Bruch wants to remove the representations of guns from the new fence at Veterans Memorial Park.
She has been asked to pull her request from the Port Angeles City Council’s Wednesday agenda.
Bruch claims in a memo that the “two decorative outlines of soldiers with guns” have drawn some ‘objections’ from local residents.
First of all, we’re inclined to question whether Bruch’s claim is accurate: Again, who in their right mind would complain about armed soldiers, especially those from the Revolutionary War?
And they aren’t ‘armed’ anyway; they are merely outlines on a fence. If it makes these crazies feel better, call the ‘guns’ something else.
Secondly, what exactly are soldiers supposed to carry?
“I’ve had comments from people saying do we have to do guys with guns when guns are killing our children in schools?” she told the local media, adding she ‘wasn’t sure’ how many complaints she’d actually received. “We can use other symbols.”
Her suggestion? Other ‘symbols of democracy’ that veterans have defended instead of the “tools of violence” they used to secure our defense.
Absolutely crazy.
But okay — let’s run with that. What other symbols of democracy would be appealing to a raging Leftist these days?
We couldn’t use an American flag, oh no. American flags cause football players to take a knee. They “trigger” minorities and especially blacks because the U.S. flag is a “symbol of racism.”
How about figures of our founding fathers? Nope. They were “slave-holding racists” and bigots who, by every measure, are not proper symbols of our democracy. Plus, they were white and we can’t have any representation these days by anyone who’s white (see ‘racism’ reference above).
So what’s left? A person of color? We could, but that would require complete removal of the existing figures on the fence (which would be a monumental waste of private donations).
In fact, changing the figures on the fence in any way would amount to defacing them or leading to their removal, both of which would be insulting to the donors who generously gave to have the fence and its design completed.
Here’s a better idea: The city counsel and government need to inform the mayor and her handful of perpetually triggered snowflakes that they’re just going to have to just get over it. Our country was founded by men (and women) with guns, and protected over the years by men (and women) with guns.
Sources include:
Tagged Under: armed, Founding Fathers, guns, insanity, Left-wing, mayor, Port Angeles, Revolutionary War, triggered, veterans