11/12/2019 / By News Editors
In one of the most blistering and scathing rebukes ever recorded in modern history, a Univerity Professor absolutely annihilates teen climate bully Greta Thunberg.
(Article by Missy Crane republished from WayneDupree.com)
As I read this piece, I had to stop myself from standing up and cheering. It was that good.
Lines like this: “If civilization is left in the hands of your ecofascist supporters we will be living in grass huts, drinking animal feces infested water, and shrinking in fear from polar bears instead of killing them for food when they attack us” are just the tip of the iceberg (pun intended) in this absolute rebuke of everything Greta Thunberg stands for, preaches, and lectures on behalf of her handlers.
Professor Jason D. Hill points out that Greta’s generation cannot eat meat without “crying,” or be away from their technology for more than an hour without falling into a deep depression. And speaking of that, creating all of those technology devices and gadgets that her generation is so dependent on is a leading cause of “carbon-spewing.”
Here is a hard truth to ponder, Greta: if the great producers of this world whom you excoriate were to withdraw their productivity, wealth and talents—in short—their minds from the world today, your generation would simply perish. Why? Because as children you have done nothing as yet, with your lives besides being born. This is what we expect of children until such time as they can be producers by learning from their elders. You are understandably social and ecological ballast. You are not yet cognitively advanced to replicate the structures of survival of which you are the beneficiaries.
Children are important installments on the future. We have invested in you. It is you and your smug generation which think they have nothing to learn from the older ones who are failing themselves. Whom do you expect to employ the majority of you if you have neither the job credentials or life competency skills to navigate the world? The future unemployable-skipping- school-on-Friday obstreperous children?
The truth, as one anonymous blogger aptly put it, is that your generation is unable to work up to forty hours per week without being chronically depressed and anxious. Its members cannot even decide if they want to be a boy or a girl, or both, or neither, or a “they.” They cannot eat meat without crying. I might add that your generation needs “trigger warnings” and “safe spaces” as pre-conditions for learning in school. Its members have a pathological need to be coddled and protected from the challenging realities of life. Your generation is the biggest demander and consumer of carbon spewing technological gadgets and devices. An hour without any of them and too many of you succumb to paralyzing lethargy. Your generation is the least curious and most insular set of individuals one has ever encountered. Your hubris extends so far that you think you have nothing to learn from your elders. [FrontPageMag]
Greta Thunberg is the new face of the left’s climate cult. Her agenda is militant, blaming past generations for all their faults, claiming that she and her generation are now left to “clean up the messes” that they created. She lashes out, saying things like “how dare you” to her elders and condemning today’s politicians and world leaders as lazy and weak. She’s a doomsayer who is using fear tactics to drive the lefts climate cult message.
Greta, living in complete harmony with nature is the death of creativity. Understand this. All great civilizations were forged in the crucibles of proper exploitation of the earth. Those who lived on land with oil and did nothing with it never had a right to it in the first place. Non-usage of God’s resources is the cardinal sin because it results in the un-development of our human capabilities, and makes us indistinguishable from beasts.
Your generation needs to be taught the morality of wealth creation, rather than only parasitically benefiting from it. The only revolution you will lead is one into nihilism and civilization regression. [FrontPageMag]
Professor Hill closes with this absolutely savage line, “The apocalyptic world vision you hold has been a strip landing for those who have hated progress throughout history. Your apocalyptic predictions have been made for millennia, and, we’re still here. We will still be here long after you’ve grown up and we have forgiven you for skipping classes, thereby lowering the intelligence quotient of an entire generation.”
It’s an amazing letter, I encourage you to read all of it.
Read more at: WayneDupree.com
Tagged Under: carbon dioxide, climate change, College, ecofascism, greta thunberg, jason hill, left, left cult, letter, Libtards, propaganda, ROFL