12/19/2019 / By Ethan Huff
There’s been a lot of talk lately about quantum computing, which basically describes computers with quantum superconductor processors that are able to perform incredibly complex calculations at breakneck speed. But the use of the word “supremacy” in a recent Nature article about quantum computing’s superiority has reportedly triggered the Left into demanding that this “offensive” word no longer be used.
You see, “supremacy” conjures up thoughts of white supremacy in many leftists’ minds, which means it’s got to go – hey hey, ho ho! But in all seriousness, this is all actually happening as Democrats simply can’t bear the thought of “quantum supremacy” becoming part of the modern vernacular.
When compared to “classic” computers as most people know them, quantum super-computers really are supreme, which is the only message that Nature was trying to convey with the October article in question. But snowflake leftists hate the word “supremacy” because it reminds them of white people wearing Klan outfits and stringing up black people from trees, so they made a huge stink about it.
A shocking 16 “scholars” reportedly told Nature that “supremacy” is a word reserved exclusively for “racists.” Instead, these “scholars” would like to see quantum computing described as the quantum advantage, advantage being a more neutral word that better suits leftist vocabulary.
“We consider it irresponsible to override the historical context of this descriptor, which risks sustaining divisions in race, gender and class,” these “scholars” wrote in an official letter. “We call for the community to use ‘quantum advantage’ instead.”
Their letter goes on to explain how they feel the word “supremacy” contains “overtones of violence, neocolonialism and racism through association with ‘white supremacy.'”
“Inherently violent language has crept into other branches of science as well,” they further contend, including “in human and robotic spaceflight, for example,” where words like “conquest,” “colonization,” and “settlement,” are used.
According to these 16 “scholars,” each of these three words evokes “the terra nullius arguments of settler colonialism and must be contextualized against ongoing issues of neocolonialism.”
Despite the fact that each of these 16 “scholars” is involved with what are known as the “hard” sciences – meaning they’re not idiots – some of them do have associations with fake science endeavors like “diversity in STEM,” which we’ve reported is being infiltrated with “students of color” who aren’t qualified for study in the fields of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics.
Leonie Mueck, for example, one of the letter’s principle authors and signers, served on a “diversity and inclusion committee,” and claims she’s “passionate about diversity in STEM.”
Divya Persaud, who’s currently working on her PhD in “Mars imaging” at University College London, is another signatory who also spends time dealing with “trauma and identity,” the word “identity” being a common buzzword in leftist identity politics, especially those involving issues related to LGBTQ.
And then we have Syed Mustafa Ali from The Open University, also in London, who’s written articles like “Transhumanism and/as Whiteness,” an anti-white diatribe that deconstructs natural humanity, and “Decolonizing Information Narratives: Entangled Apocalyptics, Algorithmic Racism and the Myths of History,” which isn’t even worth a further description.
On and on the list goes, but you get the point: These are social justice warrior “scientists” who’ve been trained to identify racism under every rock.
Truth be told, most of them are racists themselves as they denigrate white people while trying to sound “intellectual.” But as popular belief dictates, only white people have the capacity to be racists, which means that deconstructing the English language and claiming that words like “supremacy” are inherently racist is simply more par for the course in this collapsing multicultural society of ours.
For more related news, be sure to check out CampusInsanity.com.
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Tagged Under: campus insanity, cultural Marxists, identity insanity, language police, left cult, Libtards, nature, quantum computing, racism, Racists, ROFL, speech police, stupid, supremacy, thought police, Tyranny, Victim Culture