06/21/2021 / By S.D. Wells
Notice how its all the blue states that are still enforcing mask mandates and pushing the hardest for vaccination? The scamdemic is how the election was stolen by the REAL white supremacists (Democrats), who hate Blacks, and Jews, and Christians, and all Americans for that matter. The hooded Democrats are still hard at work cheating, lying, stealing, persecuting, race-bating, and staging events to keep their base wallowing in hate, racism and stupidity.
Yet, it’s no surprise, because the Democrat Party has been crushing human rights and constitutional freedoms since its inception. Yes, the Democrat Party defended slavery and FOUNDED the Ku Klux Klan, a.k.a. the KKK (those masked freaks that burned churches and hanged Blacks, including women and children).
Let us not forget it’s been the Democrat Party that’s fought AGAINST civil rights and racial equality. BLM and Antifa are “anti-fascist” about as much as hanging Blacks is pro-equality. It’s a huge sham, and tens of millions of young Americans fell for the ploy, supporting more KKK-style burning of Black-owned businesses and killing Blacks on the streets of every metropolitan city you can name. Democrats support riots. Democrats support releasing all criminals from jail, including the Whites who kill Blacks. Oh, wait, you didn’t think about that yet, did you. Let it simmer in your brain for a minute.
You know, hating ALL White people is just as racist as hating all Black people. Don’t be stupid. Stop supporting the Democrats. The Democrat Party made cancel culture go viral. The Democrats own the right arm of all propaganda, including Google, Fakebook, Twitter, most of YouTube content, all the major TV networks, and of course, the bloody newspapers (that all the “local” schmucks think is real news).
The Blue States are wrought with masked haters, who want everyone without a mask arrested violently, thrown in jail, force-vaccinated and fined huge sums of money just for being alive. Seize them!
Most of the masked Democrats are suffocating so badly in their masks from the lack of oxygen that they’re pent-up-anger is worsening by the day, by the hour, by the minute, and they would absolutely LOVE to see some Trump fans and non-mask wearing “patriots” be hung in town square, so they could cheer it on like Hunger Games.
Covid-masks have become the KKK hoods for the Democrats and the libtards that push their hate agenda as hard as humanly possible. They would love to burn down some Jewish temples and Christian churches, where people worship the God who grants us wisdom and serenity. Democrats love their KKK masks because they can riot in the streets, throw bricks and fire bombs at police, beat down anyone with a red shirt or hat on, and loot stores for merchandise, and they can’t be identified by video or camera (or so they believe).
Yes, the Democrats imposed segregation, remember? Now they want to segregate the unvaccinated, Hitler style. Mad-masked Demoncrats are enraged when they see a non-KKK member (unmasked American) walking outside, or in a store, and they want to kill them, if they could only get away with it. They want to send us all to concentration camps and have us gassed to death, just for “putting them at risk,” even though the Covid vaccines are the greatest health risk they’ll ever take.
The Republicans wanted to end slavery. The Republicans want to end Covid-masks. Donald Trump supported Blacks and Jews. He worked wonders for women’s rights, especially in the workplace. Trump was never a racist – it was all just video tricks edited by the KKK-founding Democrats, who now support Iran, a country that’s wants to wipe Israel off the map.
The Democrats thought up a strategy in the 1960s, once Blacks were finally allowed to vote, that would trick most of them into voting for their own demise. They knew they needed monetary help getting on their feet, so instead of helping them get jobs, they invented WELFARE, keeping them in cycles of government dependency, and thus winning their votes year in and year out. It worked. Democrats also kept the ghettos full, and put liquor stores, porn shops and fast food joints on every metro corner. Keep them broke, their minds dirty, and their bellies full of poison. That was the plan, and still is today. Can you see it now?
Democrat policies have re-enslaved Blacks and all Americans. Masks, social distancing, closing all “non-essential” businesses for Covid – this has all been a Democrat plan from the outset. Their plan is to wipe out the middle class so everyone is poor and in need of Big Government rescue. It’s time to take off that KKK-Covid mask and be free!
Make smart health decisions. Choose natural medicine. Eat clean, unprocessed, organic food. Take key supplements like vitamin D and zinc. Oh, and keep that mask on China Joe, you fake President. We know your party supports genocide of Blacks and Jews. Maybe you should go ahead and put a few K’s on that mask, just so you can “represent” properly.
Tune your internet frequency to Pandemic.news for updates on how to prepare for the upcoming VACCINE PANDEMIC and the “Demoncratic” communist apocalypse.
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Tagged Under: conspiracy, covid con, covid masks, deception, democrat kkk, hatred, health freedom, KKK, kkk hoods, Libtards, masks, Plandemic, racism, scamdemic