News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Health care BIGOTRY: Only Blacks to get free health care in Kentucky, while WHITES are rejected
To ensure that “racial justice” is more easily achieved, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has announced plans for all Black people in the state – and only Black people, it is important to emphasize – to receive “free” health care coverage. Because a lot of Black people are apparently coming down with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), […]
By Ethan Huff
Teen Vogue tells America’s young people that rioting, looting and destroying will create a “better world”
As cities across America burn to the ground at the hands of radical Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) terrorists, Teen Vogue has a special message for today’s youth: All of that violence and chaos you are witnessing is a good thing because it will create a “better world” for your generation. In a 2017 […]
By Ethan Huff
CNN calls for violence against white children, says they “don’t deserve innocence”
Should children with white skin be allowed to grow up happy, healthy and shielded from the horrors of this wicked world? Not according to activist and self-proclaimed “anti-racist” Tim Wise, who recently told CNN‘s Poppy Harlow that white kids do not “deserve innocence.” Instead of being allowed to play with their friends, ride their bicycles, […]
By Ethan Huff
JK Rowling is right: Biological sex is REAL, and if you don’t think it’s real how can “same-sex marriage” even exist?
One of the world’s most well-known authors of children’s literature is under attack by the leftist mob for daring to mock the ridiculous notion that anyone other than a biological female has the ability to menstruate. J.K. Rowling of the Harry Potter book series recently tweeted in jest at an op-ed piece published in the […]
By Ethan Huff
Oprah thinks blacks are still being lynched en masse all across America
Billionaire media mogul Oprah Winfrey recently staged a “conversation” with other far-leftists about the George Floyd saga, during which she compared the incident to the days of Jim Crow “when black men would be lynched and dragged through the town as an example for other people to see.” The black female icon, who owns at […]
By Ethan Huff
Why censorship is so dangerous: Because the “Twitter mob” is now dictating public policy
One by one, all across America, mayors and other public officials are pushing to slash funding for their police departments as a virtue signal that “black lives matter.” And in many cases, they are doing this in direct response to Twitter mobs that are demanding some kind of government action in response to the George […]
By Ethan Huff
Right out of the Marxist playbook: Now they want to tear down statues of Washington and Jefferson
The canceling of Christopher Columbus and Robert E. Lee is just not enough. The leftist mob now wants to also tear down the statues and memory of Thomas Jefferson and even George Washington, America’s first president, simply because these individuals were white and, according to the history books, owned slaves. During a recent segment on […]
By Ethan Huff
National Guard dances Macarena while armed left-wing mobs terrorize America
Recalling the horrors that have taken place in the streets of Minneapolis as well as many other cities, most of us would agree that sending in the National Guard was a smart move to keep the peace. But when the National Guard showed up in Atlanta to enforce curfew, they were seen dancing the Macarena […]
By Ethan Huff
Stupid white women fall for 4chan prank, shave heads in “solidarity” with black lives
In a show of “solidarity” for black lives, white female allies of Black Lives Matter have been shaving their heads bald to stand out and make a statement. But it turns out that the whole thing was a 4chan prank that bleeding-heart white girls fell for yet again. Internet “trolls” reportedly duped these white women […]
By Ethan Huff
Zuckerberg blasts Twitter for adding warning labels to Trump posts, oblivious to his own evil censorship regime
In a shocking display of hypocritical self-unawareness, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook had the audacity to call out Twitter the other day for adding warning labels to President Trump’s tweets, even as Facebook itself rampantly censors posts and shuts down pages that are deemed “offensive.” Just as the George Floyd case was really starting to rile […]
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