News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
In today’s twisted world, threatening to kill ICE agents is ruled “protected speech” while questioning vaccine safety gets you banned and attacked
A 35-year-old Massachusetts man who, based on his picture, appears to be a little light in the loafers has been acquitted by a jury after offering a $500 bounty on Twitter to anyone willing to murder an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent. Brandon Ziobrowski of Cambridge had reportedly posted an announcement on his social […]
By Ethan Huff
Michael Bloomberg vows to shut down all U.S. coal plants, plunging America’s power grid into darkness, unleashing “third world” riots across America
As part of his laughable bid for the 2020 presidency (we kind of forgot he was even running…), former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg has promised to completely do away with all coal power plants throughout the United States by the year 2030. During a recent campaign stop in Virginia, the 77-year-old billionaire vowed […]
By Ethan Huff
Climate PSYCHIC? Greta can SEE CO2, says her mom
Earlier this year before she became a worldwide icon and global climate idol, teenage activist and autist Greta Thunberg was a little more quietly in the news for supposedly having a “sixth sense” ability to actually see carbon dioxide (CO2) molecules floating around in the atmosphere. This is what Greta’s mother, Malena Ernman, claims in […]
By Ethan Huff
Climate lunatics vs. the laws of physics: A dozen climate protesters nearly run over by a train they tried to stop by standing on the tracks… because momentum is a real thing, unlike climate change
When she’s not busy calling for mass executions of uncooperative politicians, climate child Greta Thunberg is inspiring her deranged cult members to disrupt commerce as a way to “save the planet.” According to reports, a cohort of Greta worshipers in the Northeast has been throwing their bodies in front of coal-filled freight trains for at […]
By Ethan Huff
Science-illiterate Seattle Times claims carbon MONOXIDE causes plants to produce more pollen, which is why climate change is bad… huh?
The deranged climate hysterics who work at The Seattle Times have been caught fear-mongering about the alleged threat of carbon monoxide – not carbon dioxide, or CO2, the usual target – which the paper hilariously claims is causing plants to produce too much planet-destroying pollen. As part of a continued effort to create as many […]
By Ethan Huff
Politicians are now a special “protected class” on YouTube
As we continue to pick apart the vague minutiae of YouTube’s new “harassment” policies, one thing we came across that might interest you is YouTube’s prohibition of all content that contains “malicious insults” against “public officials” – meaning people who work in government. As part of YouTube’s continued efforts to silence all forms of free […]
By Ethan Huff
STUPID: Cultural Marxists slam Nature journal for using the word “supremacy” to describe quantum computing
There’s been a lot of talk lately about quantum computing, which basically describes computers with quantum superconductor processors that are able to perform incredibly complex calculations at breakneck speed. But the use of the word “supremacy” in a recent Nature article about quantum computing’s superiority has reportedly triggered the Left into demanding that this “offensive” […]
By Ethan Huff
Hallmark caves to LGBT mafia by reinstating same-sex marriage ads after being targeted by the howling cultural fascists of the Left
The latest target of the Cult of LGBTQ is one of the few remaining family-friendly cable stations, the Hallmark Channel, which recently got caught in the fray of the escalating culture wars due to a series of controversial television advertisements it aired that were created by the wedding planning website Zola. According to reports, Crown […]
By Ethan Huff
Twitter’s “Director of Trust and Safety Council” is a Trump-hating Women’s March lunatic with an ax to grind
Have you heard of Jen Clarke? If not, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with this far-left Trump hater because she’s a big reason why Twitter continues to censor President Trump and conservatives while endlessly promoting extreme leftist content. As Twitter’s “Director of Trust and Safety Council,” Clarke plays a major role in “curating” which tweets […]
By Ethan Huff
Did eco-fascist Greta Thunberg just call for the EXECUTIONS of world leaders who don’t comply with her climate change demands?
In a speech she recently delivered at the “Fridays for Future” gathering in Turin, Italy, eco-fascist Greta Thunberg called for the mass murder of politicians who refuse to give in to her deranged climate demands – or at least that’s what it sounded like she did. The 16-year-old TIME magazine “Person of the Year” pulled […]
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