News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Medicare For All’ plan just a giant, $52 trillion handout to Big Pharma and the cancer industry
After being prodded and poked for months on end, Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren has finally revealed just how much her “Medicare For All” plan would likely cost American taxpayers – and it’s not pretty. According to the world’s most infamously fake Native American, the price tag for “free health care” would be “just […]
By Ethan Huff
After dropping polar bears because their populations are actually booming, loony leftists now claim penguins are gay and being killed by the climate
Now that climate apologists have lost their cherished polar bear mascot, they’re scurrying in favor of another icon that supposedly supports the global warming conspiracy theory: gay penguins. No, penguins aren’t actually homosexual. And no, penguins aren’t dying because of climate change. But this is what the climate-obsessed left is now claiming as part of […]
By Ethan Huff
Is cannibalism VEGAN? According to some progressive food extremists, eating humans is cruelty free
Typifying the type of perverse news that we hate to have to report on, pagan society has come up with yet another progressive “solution” to the “problem” of meat-eating: Let’s just all eat ourselves and our friends instead. According to reports, some so-called “vegans” are now having their blood siphoned out of their own bodies […]
By Ethan Huff
OBEY! Eco-alarmist child Greta Thunberg demands all her opponents be silenced… and Big Tech is likely to comply, since obedience is now considered “tolerance”
Now that she’s an infamous globalist icon featured everywhere in media, eco-fascist Greta Thunberg is facing all sorts of criticism from her opponents whom she wants to see forcibly silenced on social media because their opinions upset her. The teenage autist, who also suffers from severe depression, selective mutism, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, really doesn’t like […]
By Ethan Huff
If MEN can have periods like loony liberals believe, then they must also believe men can have ABORTIONS
As we recently reported, the leftist children’s magazine Teen Vogue is now aggressively pushing the absurd notion that biological men are able to menstruate, and thus need to have tampons specifically marketed and sold to them with male symbolism. If this is the case, then is it also fair to say that biological men can […]
By Ethan Huff
Social justice morons target museums for displaying too many males in dead animal exhibits… while telling us biology isn’t real
Are America’s museums sexist against women? Some liberals think so, as they’re now complaining that too many male specimens are being displayed in museum collections, which has created an unequal situation for female specimens. Leftist researchers actually spent grant money recently looking into museums not just here in the United States, but also all around […]
By Ethan Huff
Pop culture magazines are now promoting prostitution as a desirable career choice for children
In an attempt to boost the local economy and enslave the next generation of America’s youth into sexual deviancy, the Washington, D.C., City Council is reportedly pushing a new proposal that would legalize “sex work” in our nation’s capital. Young girls could soon be allowed to sell their bodies on D.C.’s seedy street corners if […]
By Ethan Huff
America: The land of total moral depravity
Just the other day, a homosexual high school teacher in New Jersey was arrested for soliciting sex from one of his underage male students. That same day, it was announced that the Washington, D.C., City Council is pushing to legalize prostitution for underage youth. What do these two stories have in common? They both represent […]
By Ethan Huff
Now even questioning LGBT indoctrination of children gets teachers suspended
England’s public school system has decided that it’s no longer okay for its faculty and staff members to do anything other than nod and smile in full agreement every time new LGBTQP “curriculum” is suddenly and forcibly imposed upon innocent children in the classroom. A 74-year-old school board member by the name of Maureen Griffith […]
By Ethan Huff
Powerful corporations appease mentally ill transgender activists who demand the complete elimination of all symbols of gender and biology
Corporate pandering to the LGBTQP mafia doesn’t appear to be letting up any time soon, as consumer products giant Procter & Gamble (P&G) recently announced that it will no longer be emblazoning the globally recognized female symbol on its feminine hygiene products. Since men are now able to menstruate, according to transgender activists, stamping tampon […]
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