News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Climate hysteria is psychological warfare on children; rampant child abuse for political gain
It would be difficult to miss, but the mainstream media has decided to go full court press in pushing the globalist climate agenda, which now includes parading around child actors like Greta Thungren (and David Hogg for gun control) to psychologically manipulate the masses into accepting the climate hoax as fact. Using endless fear-mongering tactics, […]
By Ethan Huff
Equality Act pushed by LGBT mafia would allow government to kidnap children if parents refuse to have them treated with castration chemicals
The Democrats are pushing really hard to get the so-called “Equality Act,” also known as House Resolution 5, signed into law following its passage by the U.S. House of Representatives back on May 17, 2019. And if they’re successful, parental authority over children in America will pretty much cease to exist. If ratified, the Equality […]
By Ethan Huff
The new Left: The adults are all brain dead, so CHILDREN are rolled out as their intellectual “leaders” to demand global obedience
The Democratic Party is currently a ship without a captain, which would explain why the climate lobby has decided to start propping up children as its “leaders” to carry the torch in preaching leftist climate doctrines to the masses. Dinosaur leftists like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden simply aren’t effective mouthpieces anymore, seeing […]
By Ethan Huff
Child psyop puppet “Greta” loses it, screams about “mass extinction” from carbon dioxide, oblivious to the fact that CO2 turns the world green
Appearing before the United Nations recently, climate activist Greta Thunberg went on a tirade about how humanity is supposedly undergoing a “mass extinction” event due to greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2). Apparently unaware of the fact that CO2 is a “greening” molecule that contributes to plant growth and sustenance, Thunberg was just about […]
By Ethan Huff
Trump reveals that San Francisco is guilty of environmental violations due to rampant homelessness
President Trump has indicated that he plans to take action against San Francisco, California, for allowing rampant homelessness and the filth it brings in to destroy a once-great American city, making it unfit and unsafe for residents and visitors alike. Speaking with reporters while on Air Force One as he traveled back to the White […]
By Ethan Huff
More than 2,000 human babies were permanently separated from their families in Illinois, but “progressives” celebrate the gruesome practice anyway
As the former governor of Indiana, Vice President Mike Pence apparently feels a moral obligation and duty to personally address the horrific discovery recently of thousands of murdered babies in the basement of a now-deceased abortionist from Indiana. Pence took to Twitter to decry the unspeakable vileness of this crime, which is currently under investigation. […]
By Ethan Huff
Just as we suspected, climate youth puppet Greta Thunberg is controlled by George Soros
She’s all over the news these days, but 16-year-old Greta Thunberg isn’t homegrown or grassroots. Her climate schtick is completely a product of George Soros and Company, which feeds Thunberg her lines as she traipses around the world pretending to have come up with all this climate hysteria on her own. In truth, Thunberg is […]
By Ethan Huff
Why are liberals so concerned about cow farts but not PEOPLE farts? It turns out that liberal cities produce more farts than rural cow fields
With all the talk these days about cow farts and their alleged impact on the environment, it’s somewhat curious that liberals aren’t also mentioning human farts, which are far greater in number and more pervasive than any of the backside emissions coming out of cattle. As it turns out, there are nearly 3.5 times more […]
By Ethan Huff
The term “social justice” is a dog whistle for left-wing communists whose goal is total anarchy, then revolution
The rise of far-left “anti-fascism,” or what has come to be known as Antifa, and its corresponding “social justice” agenda has absolutely nothing to do with fighting fascism or creating a just society as these words and titles suggest. Instead of fighting fascism, Antifa is actually spreading it, using “social justice” as a rhetorical cover […]
By Ethan Huff
Right after San Fran designates all NRA members “terrorists,” California passes resolution blaming “religious groups” for all LGBT suicides
Leftist politicians in California are aggressively trying to stamp out Christianity, including with a new non-binding resolution that declares “religious groups” – meaning Christian religious groups, primarily – as the number one cause of suicide among LGBTQs. Assembly Concurrent Resolution 99 declares that homosexuality and transgenderism are simply “part of the natural variations that occur […]
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