News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Same libtards who claim climate change science is a “consensus” now claim transgender delusions are also “scientific”
Teen Vogue is back in the alternative news over a controversial video it uploaded to YouTube challenging the notion that male and female are real biological classifications for human beings. According to Teen Vogue editors and allies, biological sex, as defined by X and Y chromosomes in a person’s DNA, is a completely made-up concept […]
By Ethan Huff
Did Democrats just declare war on white people?
People with light-colored skin are under relentless attack like never before in the history of our country. And the politicians that are supposed to be standing up for and representing white people and their interests, Democrats and Republicans alike, are in many ways the ones responsible for leading the charge in declaring open war on […]
By Ethan Huff
Mark Dice is right: Techno-fascist censorship will obliterate the right to use words that mean things
Social media censorship is getting so out of control these days that soon it could become a crime simply to say things that actually have real meaning, warns conservative political commentator Mark Dice in a new video. Dice says that if patriotic Americans who support free speech and the First Amendment fail in their efforts […]
By Ethan Huff
Corrupt Congress pushes “Equality Act” to force schools to allow male athletes on female sports teams
Feminist females who’ve long pushed for “equality,” aka free reign to invade all male spaces while emasculating males at large, are finally getting a taste of their own medicine with the so-called “Equality Act,” which threatens to allow any male who “identifies” as a “female” to invade any female space he chooses, including female sports […]
By Ethan Huff
Parenting magazine vilifies happy people with blonde hair, saying they’re probably right-wing, evil people
A German parenting periodical known as Baby & Family recently published the most blatantly racist, anti-white commentary to appear in a mainstream media source that we’ve seen yet. The article openly calls for all white people – and especially those with blonde hair who smile a lot and who appear generally happy and content – […]
By Ethan Huff
American Freedom Law Center sues Michigan Attorney General over unconstitutional plot to create “thought criminal” database targeting conservatives, Christians
Earlier this month, we reported on the sinister efforts of Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel to establish a “thought criminal” database in her state to keep tabs on conservatives, Christians, and others whose views run contrary to her Leftist agenda. Well, Nessel is now being sued by the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) for unfairly […]
By Ethan Huff
Mass media celebration of woman scientist credited for black hole image was bogus… even SCIENCE is now pushing a liberal agenda
In its rush to politicize on the basis of gender, the world’s first computer-generated image of a “black hole,” the mainstream media has once again been caught propagating politically-correct “fake news” by falsely attributing the image’s creation to a female whose algorithms weren’t even used to generate said image. For days, Left Cult writers, pundits, […]
By Ethan Huff
Will Democrats now blame car dealers for selling cars to evil people who use them to run over pedestrians?
In response to the New Zealand massacre, brainless Leftists are going nuts calling for the gun dealer where alleged shooter Brenton Tarrant purchased some of his legally-owned firearms – but not the AR-15 that he supposedly used during the shooting, it’s important to note – to somehow be held responsible for Tarrant’s crimes. According to […]
By Ethan Huff
Leftist students at George Mason University protest Justice Brett Kavanaugh giving virtual guest lecture, say his presence on-screen threatens their “mental health”
Just like Pavlov’s dogs, a contingent of libtarded students enrolled at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, lashed out in triggered protest recently after it was announced that Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh had been hired on as a visiting law professor at the Washington, D.C.-area institution. Wrapping tape around their mouths and holding up […]
By Ethan Huff
Using liberal “logic,” Leftists are Christ-phobic, freedom-phobic, white-phobic, and hetero-phobic
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word “phobia” encompasses an inexplicable and illogical fear of something, typically grossly exaggerated, that creates inside a person an intolerance or aversion to that particular something. Someone with arachnophobia, for instance, might faint when seeing the smallest of harmless spiders, while someone with claustrophobia might have an extreme panic […]
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