News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
UNREAL: Another anti-gun nut tries – and fails – to destroy the career and reputation of a pro-gun rights citizen
A small – but we’ll take it! – dose of justice has been served against a rogue government employee in Alaska who reportedly left a nasty note on the vehicle windshield of a local citizen who had affixed a pro-Second Amendment emblem on the back of his tailgate. Marti Buscaglia, who reportedly resigned from her […]
By Ethan Huff
Liberal professor claims the very concept of “time” is now RACIST, meaning watches and clocks are all suddenly bigoted
An obese black woman who teaches “Women’s and Gender Studies” at Rutgers University in New Jersey recently came forward with a bizarre theory she invented, claiming that the very concept of time itself was created by white people, and is thus “racist.” Associate Professor Brittney Cooper, who also once blasphemously claimed that Jesus Christ, the […]
By Ethan Huff
Yale tried to illegally offer birth control pills like Snickers bars in on-campus vending machines
Students attending Yale University who were eager to have 24/7, on-campus access to birth control pills, condoms, lubrication, and other “emergency contraception” items and devices from vending machines were disappointed to learn recently that the plan has now been scrapped because it would have violated Connecticut state law. Reports indicate that Yale’s first “wellness-to-go” vending […]
By Ethan Huff
Frustrated with entitlement of “snowflake generation,” celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay says he won’t even hire his own children
Too many young people these days don’t know what it means to work hard or take responsibility for their actions, and celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay has had enough. He recently went public with details about how he and his wife raise their four children, who range in age from 17-21, explaining that none of them […]
By Ethan Huff
Don’t fall for the pipe dream idealism of the Green New Deal – it will NEVER work
Many people who care about things like clean, organic food; compassionate health care for all; a pollution-free environment; and prosperity for all are falling hook, line, and sinker for the so-called “Green New Deal,” which promises all of these things and more. But as explained by Richard Sacks from Lost Arts Radio during a recent […]
By Ethan Huff
U.S. college issues politically correct “speech codes” to students and faculty, demanding obedience to the authoritarian Left
Amherst College, one of the most liberal institutions of “higher learning” in America today, has unveiled a 40-page speech code for students and faculty that explains what they can and cannot say on campus in order to maintain their political correctness. Created by Amherst’s “Office of Diversity and Inclusion,” the extensive booklet, entitled, “Common Language […]
By Ethan Huff
Not a single Democrat voted for the “Green New Deal,” proving they don’t actually believe what they say
In what obviously came as a shock to many, the Senate recently voted on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (AOC) so-called “Green New Deal,” and wouldn’t you know it – not a single member of Congress, including Democrats, voted in favor of it. With a final vote of 0-57, with all 43 Democrats simply voting “present,” the cow […]
By Ethan Huff
Why the “Green New Deal” is a really bad deal for America
The incoming Democrat-majority House of Representatives is eagerly pushing a so-called “Green New Deal” that socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders claim will benefit all Americans while supporting a healthy environment. But as Richard Sacks from Lost Arts Radio explains in a recent video he shared at Brighteon.com, the Green New Deal is nothing […]
By Ethan Huff
Georgia Democrat Dar’shun Kendrick wants to pass “testicular bill of rights” to punish men when they “release sperm from their testicles”
Triggered by the fact that not everyone considers the murder of unborn children both in the womb (abortion) and out (infanticide) as a legitimate expression of “women’s rights,” Georgia Democrat and pro-death lunatic Dar’shun Kendrick of Lithonia recently introduced new legislation that would basically make it a crime for men to ejaculate by classifying unprotected […]
By Ethan Huff
Mandatory vaccination is a “public good,” claim Leftists, but ejaculation is “assault?”
Leftist Democrats are letting their demons show like never before, as a pair of black female Democrats from Georgia recently proposed new legislation that would make it a crime for men to ejaculate without a condom, condemning unprotected sex by men as a form of “aggravated assault.” But when it comes to doctors physically assaulting […]
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