News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
They eat their own: LGBT activists now at WAR with feminist movement over definition of “woman”
Fiveclouds Tap & Bottle, a bar and brewery in Macclesfield, United Kingdom, recently kicked out a feminist mother who’s been a regular customer there for more than three years after a homosexual patron complained about her t-shirt, which had printed on the front of it the dictionary definition of a “woman.” In yet another display […]
By Ethan Huff
SICKOS: NBC liberal comedian Seth Meyers mocks American victims of violent illegal aliens
In a shocking display of callous insensitivity, late-night NBC “comedian” Seth Meyers somehow decided it would be a good idea to mock illegal alien murder victims immediately following President Trump’s recent address to the nation about the dire need for a wall to be built along America’s southern border. Just minutes after the president concluded […]
By Ethan Huff
Same media that went ballistic over migrant child dying at the border says NOTHING about American children killed by vaccines
The mainstream media has been having a heyday trying to paint President Donald Trump as a ruthless tyrant over the tragic death of a seven-year-old migrant girl who reportedly died of dehydration and shock while in Border Patrol custody. But where has this same mainstream media been in bringing to light the untold thousands of […]
By Ethan Huff
Gender dysphoria is a “social contagion” spreading through peer pressure and propaganda, warns expert
No credible doctor would ever tell a “cutter” that her destructive habit of inflicting physical harm on herself is a normal part or her identity. Nor would a trustworthy physician ever tell a bulimic who purposely throws up her food in order to stay thin that such a practice is somehow beneficial to her health. […]
By Ethan Huff
SICK feminists celebrate abortion with LOVE symbols while glossing over the gruesome details of murdering an unborn baby
Perhaps the only thing more perversely grotesque than having brain-addled drag queens read LGBT propaganda to impressionable preschoolers at public libraries is having loudmouthed feminist airheads like “Shout Your Abortion” founder Amelia Bonow crudely brag about murdering unborn human life to middle school students. In a shocking video clip that already has nearly a million […]
By Ethan Huff
NBC declares no debate allowed on climate change, claiming “science is settled” while absurdly asserting that carbon dioxide is a “pollutant”
Even though the supposedly “settled science” about global warming from decades back has since been proven false, as Earth actually appears to be entering a period of global cooling, this hasn’t stopped the mainstream media talking heads from continuing to spread mindless drivel about the impending threat of “climate change.” During a recent segment of […]
By Ethan Huff
SCIENCE under attack by left-wing university snowflakes: Evolutionary Psychology now considered “offensive”
A shockingly large cohort of students attending Northwestern University near Chicago has signed a petition calling for a professor of “evolutionary psychology” to be banned from campus because some students find his work “offensive.” According to reports, some 4,200 students at Northwestern are now demanding that Dr. Satoshi Kanazawa be excused from his teaching position […]
By Ethan Huff
LGBTPQ insanity: 11-year-old “Desmond Is Amazing” dances like a stripper at gay bars where pedophile perverts throw dollar bills at him
The United States of Sodom and Gomorrah has reached a whole new low with its newfound acceptance and even praise for the open promotion of child sex abuse within the LGBTPQ community – the “P” in LGBTPQ, of course, standing for pedophilia. A gay bar in New York City known as “3 Dollar Bill,” which […]
By Ethan Huff
INSANITY: Public schools ordered to teach little boys that males menstruate
In the age of genderless, fake humans, it’s only fitting that the public school system reinvent its curriculum to indoctrinate innocent children into believing that boys as young as eight years old can have periods just like girls, right? This is what’s reportedly happening in the United Kingdom, anyway, where the Brighton & Hove City […]
By Ethan Huff
Women’s March founders accused of having shocking links to anti-Semitic policies and systemic bigotry against Jews
If you’re tired of seeing all the tacky pink hats and mindless protest placards littering your city’s streets year after year as part of the infamous “Women’s March” against President Donald Trump, you could be in for an early Christmas present this year. A lengthy exposé published by Tablet Magazine reveals incredible turmoil within the […]
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