News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
World Mercury Project blasts “liberal mindset” for whitewashing vaccine risks and praising vaccines like a brainwashed cult
The mainstream media has a very strange way of making much ado about nothing when it comes to pushing a “think of the children!” narrative whenever it involves taking away Americans’ freedoms. News outlets like The Huffington Post, Salon, The Daily Beast, and Slate are all quick to condemn guns for “killing children,” for example, […]
By Ethan Huff
Left-wing professor claims “diversity of thought” is RACIST; demands all conform to radical Left-wing views on everything, without argument
A sociology professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, believes that people who call for more diversity of thought on college campuses are inherently racist because many of them, in his opinion, are white men. Victor Ray, a white-looking man himself who teaches on “Race and Ethnicity, Gender, Stratification, (and) Qualitative Methods,” according to his […]
By Ethan Huff
Moving the goal posts: University claims “LGBT” label is not “inclusive” enough… wait, what?
Concerned that someone on the vast and undefinable gender spectrum might be offended by the continued use of the longtime acronym, the University of Wisconsin – Madison is officially scrapping “LGBT” from the name of its “LGBT Center,” which will now be known as the “Gender and Sexuality Campus Center.” In a recent announcement, the […]
By Ethan Huff
Crazy, intolerant Leftists attack Twitter CEO for eating at Chick-fil-A
The LGBT mafia is absolutely irate over the fact that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey decided to eat chicken from a fast food joint whose owner believes that marriage was designed to be between one man and one woman. On June 9, Dorsey posted a screenshot to his Twitter account of a Cash App boost he […]
By Ethan Huff
LGBT FURY: CrossFit branch shuts down following cancellation of LGBTQ “Pride Workout”
A CrossFit gym in Indianapolis has reportedly shut its doors for good, after the owner decided to cancel a so-called “Pride Workout” that several employees and members had planned in celebration of LGBTQ “Pride Month.” Brandon Lowe, owner of the now-defunct CrossFit Infiltrate gym in Indiana’s capital city, was apparently never told about this Pride […]
By Ethan Huff
New York’s Mayor de Blasio condemned as a bigot for horrific discrimination against Asians and whites entering public schools
In response to Leftist complaints about widespread under-performance by blacks and Hispanics at New York City’s public schools, Mayor Bill de Blasio has endorsed scrapping the merit-based entrance exam that prospective students take before being admitted in order to help “diversify” the city’s student body populations. The new affirmative action system would completely do away […]
By Ethan Huff
The radical Left is not simply a political movement, it is a malignant form of aberrant mental illness that must be pruned from society if we are to survive
When Barack Obama won the presidency in 2008, and again in 2012, conservatives gritted their teeth and accepted the outcome, despite compelling evidence that Obama wasn’t even eligible for office because he wasn’t born in the United States and had faked his own birth certificate. But following the legitimate election of U.S.-born Donald Trump, whom […]
By Ethan Huff
Hysterical “social justice” Leftists now target SURFING as being “too white” … Is there any activity white people will be allowed to pursue?
A liberal white guy has decided to brazenly politicize the sport of surfing with a whiny new diatribe published in Surfer magazine that calls for more “diversity,” a.k.a. fewer white people, in popular surf culture. Presumably typing from his couch of privilege in upper crust San Francisco where he lives, Justin Housman laments about what […]
By Ethan Huff
Jimmy Kimmel mocks black people with impunity … because he’s a liberal, and liberals never face any consequences for their BIGOTRY
The shocking double standard in the way that Leftists treat conservatives versus members of their own tribe has perhaps never been more shockingly apparent than with the recent controversy over statements made on the internet by conservative, Trump-supporting actress Roseanne Barr. Roseanne, as you may already know, recently had her show cancelled and now no […]
By Ethan Huff
Left-wing professor promises automatic grade boost for FEMALE students… but in an age of gender-fluidity, what does that even mean?
A Chinese professor of Information Systems at The University of Akron in Ohio has reportedly been told to cease and desist after recently announcing a plan to boost the grades of all female students “one level or two” in an attempt to help more women enter the field. Liping Liu, an information systems analysis and […]
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