News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
The latest insanity of the deranged Left: Alleged child rapist says he “self-identifies” as a nine-year-old, so it’s not really rape
A 38-year-old Chicago man who recently confessed to sexually molesting three underage girls between the ages of six and eight appears to be trying to capitalize on liberalism’s acceptance of the “gender spectrum.” Joseph Roman is reportedly claiming that he self-identifies as a nine-year-old trapped in a grown man’s body, which using liberal logic means […]
By Ethan Huff
Still not convinced feminists are insane? Female students stage “bleed-in” blood-spattered walk around campus to demand free tampons
A deranged cohort of female students at the University of Florida (UF) in Gainesville is reportedly demanding free access to tampons and other feminine hygiene products – and they’re doing so by painting fake blood on their clothing as part of a repulsive “bleed-in” demonstration. The disgusting display was prompted by a UF student government […]
By Ethan Huff
The Left thinks black people are STUPID… see proof (video)
It’s amazing the level of pandering that the Democratic Party is willing to stoop to in order to buy the votes it needs to win elections. Many of those it panders to are obviously ignorant to the fact that they’re being manipulated – hence why this tactic works – but Candace Owens certainly isn’t one […]
By Ethan Huff
Actual UC Berkeley scientific study claims women are annoying nags who are ridiculously difficult to live with
In an ironic twist of fate, one of the most liberal universities in the country (and perhaps the world) has published a new study that openly declares women to be “the most difficult people” to deal with in life. After surveying thousands of both men and woman about who they feel are the most annoying […]
By Ethan Huff
“Gender fluid” indoctrination of schoolchildren is child abuse, warns doctor
The public school system in Seattle, Washington, recently introduced new gender fluidity curriculum that indoctrinates elementary-age children as young as five years old into thinking that they can change their biological genders in accordance with however they might be feeling on any given day – which a prominent doctor has declared amounts to “child abuse.” […]
By Ethan Huff
VICTIMHOOD lessons: Law professor tells black students to claim “blackness” is a disability… instead of “I have a dream,” it’s now “I have a disability”
If any white person were to openly declare that having black skin is a disability, he or she would immediately be dubbed a racist and would probably end up blacklisted from the labor pool. But a black law professor from Fordham University in New York City has reportedly made such a claim as part of […]
By Ethan Huff
Why snowflakes are miserable: Psychologist explains how hardships and adversity give us meaning and perspective, toughen us up
There could be a reason why so many Trump-hating “resisters” are angry and belligerent all the time, beyond just the fact that they don’t like the president. If the perspective of Lowri Dowthwaite, a psychologist from the University of Central Lancashire in the United Kingdom, holds any merit, then the perpetual bitterness of these crybaby […]
By Ethan Huff
Another “hijab” hate crime hoax reveals the sinister tactics of “victimization” totalitarianism
Yet another hijab-wearing Muslim has been exposed as an attention-seeking liar – the latest incident involving an 11-year-old girl by the name of Khawlah Noman, from Scarborough, Ontario, who claimed that a 20-year-old man used scissors to cut off her religious head-covering in an act of “hate.” As many expected, a lengthy investigation conducted by […]
By Ethan Huff
New California declares independence from the deranged Left Coast, hoping to isolate itself from the totalitarian insanity of liberals
One half of California is trying to break off from the other half in response to out-of-control liberalism, new reports indicate. Those leading the charge to establish so-called “New California” as the 51st state in the Union want to see a return to more conservative fiscal and social policies in order to improve quality of […]
By Ethan Huff
The WAR on WHITEY: Schools and colleges are now teaching children to believe that being born white makes you a bad person
Parents of school-age children in Wisconsin are making their grievances known about the latest onslaught of racist curriculum to creep into the state’s public “education” system. According to reports, eighth-graders in West Bend, a northwest suburb of Milwaukee, are apparently now being taught that they’re bad people if their skin color is white, or if […]
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