News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Left-wing elitist academic at Berkeley claims Americans who live in rural communities are “bad people” who ought to be shamed
Tenured Left-wing academics at universities around America continue to brainwash students into hating their country, its founding principles, and anyone who isn’t like them. The most recent example of this outrageous indoctrination comes from the University of California-Berkeley — supposedly the “birthplace of free speech on campus.” To one academic there, if you’re member of […]
By JD Heyes
Dems admit impeachment not just about overruling the 2016 election, but rigging the 2020 election, too
You may have heard the expression, “open mouth, insert foot,” which relates to someone saying something dumb or inadvertently making an admission they shouldn’t have made or didn’t want to make. Well, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) put both of her feet in her mouth (figuratively speaking, of course) earlier this week a day before the […]
By JD Heyes
Unreal: Democrats fining business owners in Denver for refusing to clean up human waste and used drug needles near their stores
Democrats run most major cities in the United States, and it’s becoming more obvious they are committed to creating as much chaos within them as possible — for some reason. Case(s) in point: Dem-run cities are increasingly catering to the homeless, practically inviting them into their jurisdictions, then watching as they destroy entire segments of […]
By JD Heyes
Coming to a Democrat-run city near you: Shoplifting mobs becoming a “thing” as the Left continues to destroy civil society
The American Left is out to destroy the social fabric of our country, as several trends in recent years suggest. Thanks to Barack Obama, American Leftists began hating on local police, accusing them of “murdering” black people and generally trampling on people’s rights. Left-wing prosecutors are refusing to enforce local ordinances under the guise of […]
By JD Heyes
YouTube now banning doctors for daring to question transgenderism… Trannies the new “untouchables” who can never be questioned
Once again, the social media and tech behemoths, now that they’ve made it to the top of the heap, continue to exercise their Stalin-like control over what users can and, importantly, cannot, post on their platforms. YouTube is in the hot seat this time for censoring a medical doctor because she dared to question the […]
By JD Heyes
CEO of California’s PG&E says people who lost refrigerators full of food should visit “food banks,” and thank him for “not burning down any houses”
There is ‘out of touch’ and there is outright tone-deafness, and the head of a large California power company just set the new standard for the latter. You may have heard that California energy company PG&E has been engaging in rolling blackouts for several weeks after the producer was blamed for several large, deadly wildfires […]
By JD Heyes
War on American history continues as Marxist mayor demands removal of armed soldier silhouettes at a veterans memorial
Beginning in the 1960s with widespread ‘rebellion’ against traditionalist America, the Left has waged a culture war on our history. For decades most of the battles were fought out of the limelight and received little attention nationally, but with the spread of social media and the election of Barack Obama as president in 2008, the […]
By JD Heyes
“The View” host Joy Behar accidentally admits the DECEPTION behind the gun confiscation agenda
For years, Democrats and their sycophantic supporters have used deception to push their political objectives and agenda. They change words and the meaning of words in order to hide what they’re doing. “Global warming,” for instance, has become “climate change” because the hard data undermined their claims that the Earth was warming; but who can […]
By JD Heyes
Now Leftists go insane over meme of President Trump honoring military dog involved in the recent ISIS leader raid
Left-wing lunatics and Democrats filled with rage over the fact that they’ve been unable to oust President Donald Trump from office since he defeated the most criminally investigated presidential contender in generations, Hillary Clinton, are now so unhinged that they are reflexively triggered by him. To wit: Now, even dogs are on the Democrat hate […]
By JD Heyes
When Islamic fathers murder their sons for being gay, there’s no outcry from the Left because protecting Islam is a higher priority than protecting gays
Young Western Leftists are confused about a lot of things — capitalism versus socialism/communism, for example, believing the latter economic models are superior — because the people responsible for educating them have lied to them for years. They’ve been conditioned to believe that their feelings and their virtue signaling are more important than critical thinking […]
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