News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Bong-smoking “throuple” Democrat Katie Hill resigns after caught in highly inappropriate lesbian relationship with her own staffer
In November 2018, Katie Hill become the first Democrat to win an Orange County, Calif., congressional district in 26 years. A little less than a year later, she’s resigning in disgrace. A rising star in her party, Hill, who was openly bisexual, was the No. 2 Democrat on the House Oversight Committee and had been […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats pushing to criminalize words they don’t like, while ignoring all the slurs they unleash against Trump supporters
Humans have characteristics that make it nearly impossible to ‘reach them’ — that is, change their minds about things in which they fervently believe — even with hard, cold facts. It’s the way we’re wired. We can’t help ourselves. Not to offend anyone, but that’s how religions spread: People believe in it with all their […]
By JD Heyes
LOL: CNN says anyone who says anything that might align in any way with Russian views is a Russian asset, all to cover for Hillary Clinton
We’ve known for some time, like tens of millions of Americans, that CNN is a pathetic ‘news’ network in the tank for Democrats and especially certain Democrats, like Bill and Hillary Clinton. But the network’s correspondents continue to play the role of Democrat propagandists even when it doesn’t have to because, well, they just can’t […]
By JD Heyes
The PURGE continues ahead of the attempted unleashing of deranged Leftists in a nationwide political coup and revolution
As Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg tells members of Congress his company isn’t targeting conservatives, Trump supporters, America-first patriots and others who don’t toe the Left-wing Marxist line, the social media giant is continuing to kick pages off the platform seemingly because of their political bent. The latest casualty is the “Bikers for America” page, allegedly […]
By JD Heyes
Sicko RINO Mitt Romney creates phony “Pierre Delecto” Twitter account so he can bash Trump and praise himself
Sen. Mitt Romney (RINO-Utah) is a bitter, bitter man. The two-time Republican presidential contender who didn’t capture the party’s nomination in 2008 then lost a winnable election against an unpopular President Obama in 2012, has never forgiven Donald Trump for doing what the former Massachusetts governor was never able to do. Win the White House. […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing media PRETENDING Obama never exerted any influence over foreign nations now claim Trump is a criminal for engaging in diplomacy
The fake “Ukrainegate” scandal fire got some gasoline thrown on it by White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney on Thursday when he admitted something that everyone in the Washington press corps knows already: Presidents use their influence to extract favors and concessions from the leaders of foreign countries when it suits them. In other […]
By JD Heyes
Schiff made it all up: There are no whistleblowers… criminal coup effort relies on endless series of fabrications from deep state Dems
For more than a few weeks we’ve been told that a “whistleblower” from the CIA claims President Trump made inappropriate demands of the Ukrainian president in July when the two spoke regarding “dirt” on former Vice President Joe Biden, who is running for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. Though the president and the White House […]
By JD Heyes
More phony outrage from the “mainstream media” over violent Trump meme video that almost nobody saw before it became a manufactured “scandal”
The fake news “mainstream media” would rather fabricate “scandals” involving President Donald Trump and his administration than actually report on real corruption within the Democratic Party (starting with the coup attempt known as Spygate). As such, here we go again with more fabricated “outrage” from the media propagandists, this time over a violent meme in […]
By JD Heyes
Joe Biden demands media declare total obedience to Democrats and blacklist all dissenting voices
For an American politician, Joe Biden plays a pretty good Nazi dictator, as he and his campaign staff prove once again that the Democrat Party no longer embraces core constitutional values such as freedom of expression and speech. The Biden campaign, already stung by a burgeoning scandal involving the former Veep’s corrupt dealings with Ukraine […]
By JD Heyes
China doesn’t have to invade America, it has already taken control over our politicians and cultural elite
To most Americans who care about the long-term survival of our country and our way of life, Communist China represents the most direct and dangerous threat since the Soviet Union. Armed with a growing arsenal of accurate nuclear missiles, an increasingly formidable military, and a growing economy, this country of some 1.4 billion people — […]
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