News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Same Democrats who terrorize their own children with climate hysteria nonsense now blame Trump for causing “stress” on children
If you still think Democrats are sane people whose only objective is to make America a ‘better place,’ a congressional hearing held this week by an important House committee should make you change your mind. It’s bad enough that Democrats and their Left-wing Marxist allies in the media and academia are scaring our children nearly […]
By JD Heyes
HOAX: Hysterical climate child turns out to be child actor… it’s all faked for the cameras, as usual
The American Leftists, who are really no different then Soviet Marxists and Chinese Communists, long ago sold their souls and their decency to push a fake “climate change” agenda that seeks to dismantle the United States as founded and usher in authoritarian global government. But hey, don’t take our word for it: Take the word […]
By JD Heyes
The NYTimes has a racism and bigotry problem as yet another editor outed for anti-Semitic statements
Continuing its reputation for harboring racism and bigotry against Jewish people, another high-level New York Times employee has been outed for anti-Semitic, disparaging comments made on social media, Breitbart News reports. And, of course, since they work for a Left-wing rag, naturally the person wasn’t censored or banned. According to the report, Jazmine Hughes, an […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing climate lunatics now adopting tactics of Antifa: Disruption, chaos and hatred toward America
If you’re trying to convince someone that your point of view is the right one and that your take on things is correct, what are you going to do first? Probably engage that person in a meaningful dialogue, then rationally make your points and back them up with facts — right? Or would you, say, […]
By JD Heyes
WeWork is NOT a tech company, it’s a massive financial fraud scheme, warns analyst
A new in-depth analysis of the WeWork, a “shared workspace” company that is outlandishly overvalued, is built on fraud, deceit, and shameless fake marketing campaigns that are sure to end in miserable failure. According to a lengthy assessment of WeWork by Henry Hawksberry, a company founded by Adam Nuemann & Miguel McKelvey, it is in […]
By JD Heyes
Now the left-wing lunatic corporations are losing their own left-wing lunatic employees because of the left-wing lunatic climate hysteria they’ve all pushed
If you needed more proof that the insane Left can never be insane enough for even its most extreme supporters, here you go. Even casual readers of political news and views know that the social media giants Facebook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube have been censoring conservatives and pro-Trump supporters for more than a year — […]
By JD Heyes
‘Beto’ O’Rourke claims that credit cards are causing mass shootings as losing 2020 Dem presidential candidate gets more desperate for attention
It’s a joke to hear virtually any Democrat question President Donald Trump’s state of mind and sanity, especially after hearing some of the things come out of the mouths of the party’s 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls. If Elizabeth “Fauxcohontas” Warren isn’t falsely claiming she’s a member of some Native American tribe, “Crazy” Bernie Sanders is […]
By JD Heyes
CNN accuses conservatives of being “terrorists” on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, proving why this anti-American propaganda network MUST be shut down
As tens of millions of Americans mourned the loss of nearly 3,000 fellow countrymen on the 18th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks Wednesday, the most disgusting propaganda network ever to exist on U.S. soil took the opportunity to label more than half of our citizens “terrorists.” Never one to be outdone with tasteless, […]
By JD Heyes
Unreal: The New York Times just blamed “airplanes” for the 9/11 attack, completely ignoring the Islamic extremist haters who pulled it off
Cars cause drunk driving. Forks and spoons make people fat. Guns kill people. And airplanes are now responsible for the worst terrorist attack ever committed on American soil — or so The New York Times says. “18 years have passed since airplanes took aim and brought down the World Trade Center,” the paper tweeted from […]
By JD Heyes
Ann Coulter is right, the Left never operates in good faith, just lies and tricks — which is why we should never trust them on gun legislation or anything else
Conservative author and pundit Ann Coulter noted in a recent column that a majority of Americans are very likely worried about gun violence and are especially concerned about the increasing incidents of mass shootings and want “something” done about them. But what to do? More background checks? Gun bans? Red flag laws? Longer waiting periods […]
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