News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
College Leftists now claim the New Zealand attack means NOBODY can ever criticize Muslims ever again, including Chelsea Clinton
Most people who pay attention to politics wouldn’t describe former first daughter Chelsea Clinton as not being ‘woke’ or liberal enough. But the increasingly radical Leftist faction of the Democrat Party is always looking to attack anyone who isn’t ‘sufficiently outraged’ about what they have deemed outrage-worthy for the day. The recent attack on two […]
By JD Heyes
PROOF that gun control whackos espouse gun violence against Americans: Threat to mass murder lawmakers, NRA members caught on camera
The Left was always been an unhinged bunch but in the age of POTUS Donald Trump, those Americans in that group who were teetering on the edge of sanity have fallen over the cliff big time, as we have seen time and again. The latest example involves a Connecticut woman who was caught in a […]
By JD Heyes
“Jexodus” movement growing as Jews are now fleeing the insane anti-Semitic Democratic Party, joining blacks with “Blexit”
Prior to the 2018 midterm elections, a movement among blacks to “exit” the Democratic Party — nicknamed “Blexit” — began as more and more began to realize that the Donkey Party had not done anything for them except foment misery and poverty while perpetuating dependence on big government. “Blexit is a Renaissance,” movement champion Candace […]
By JD Heyes
Same Democrats that applaud infanticide claim there’s no such thing as a “decent” conservative
In recent days, former Vice President Joe Biden, the Delaware Democrat who’s now, suddenly, considering a run for the White House after ‘allowing’ Hillary Clinton the party’s nomination in 2016, drew the ire of the party’s increasing Left-wing base. His political crime was almost the same as a real crime: He dared to characterize his […]
By JD Heyes
Total hypocrite Ocasio-Cortez outed for relying on combustion engine cars and vans while claiming fossil fuels are destroying the planet
Self-proclaimed ‘democratic socialist’ Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has regularly drawn the ire of Republicans on Capitol Hill and elsewhere, but she’s increasingly putting Democrats whom she aligns with, politically, on the spot as well. For one thing, her grasp of public policy-making is infantile, at best, as evidenced by the recent sophomoric roll-out […]
By JD Heyes
Complete insanity: Leftist smears menstrual blood all over her face to show female periods are “beautiful” and “powerful”
They say it takes all kinds of people to make our world as full, rich, and complete as it is, and that is certainly true. But that doesn’t mean all people and all behaviors are necessary, helpful, or even desirable. While Leftists decry “toxic masculinity” they simultaneously praise and celebrate “feminism,” and to the latter, […]
By JD Heyes
Girls’ sports being decimated by biological males claiming to be females… “transgenders” are CHEATERS
Far be it from us to tell anyone how to live but someone has to say it: There are only two genders in this world of ours, male and female, and it doesn’t matter how someone “identifies,” that biological fact is established and unalterable. Granted, modern medical technology may be able to ‘transform’ a male […]
By JD Heyes
Flashback: Socialist Bernie Sanders LOVES food lines, but we wonder how much sidewalk feces he wants to go along with them
Last week, Sen. Bernie Sanders officially launched his second bid for the presidency with a lie: He has agreed to run as a Democrat (again) though he’s not really a Democrat, he’s officially an “Independent.” But that “Independent” label is also a lie because the only reason he chooses to list himself that way is […]
By JD Heyes
Bill Maher perfectly demonstrates the deep-rooted BIGOTRY of the intolerant Left, says Middle Americans are stupid redneck liberal wannabes
If you ever wondered what the term “limousine liberal” meant, HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher just described it perfectly by his comments and actions over the weekend. On his Friday program, Maher was doing what he nearly always does — taking pot shots at conservatives and in particular supporters of POTUS Donald Trump because, […]
By JD Heyes
Kamala Harris and other radical Leftists now define government debt spending on entitlement programs an “investment” that they claim will produce “a return”… huh?
There aren’t many distinguishing characteristics between the emerging — and expanding — crop of 2020 Democratic presidential contenders. All of them are running to the Left of Che Guevara and Mao Zedong in terms of public policy, and all of them appear to have graduated from the same Marxist school of economics attended by ‘Democratic […]
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