News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Beto supporters can’t name a single accomplishment, but they irrationally support Beto anyway, because it’s “popular” to do so
Before he decided to run against Sen. Ted Cruz, few people outside of Rep. Robert “Beto” O’Rourke’s Texas congressional district knew who he was. After he filed, the dishonest “establishment” media and Hollywood elite did all they could throughout the summer to pretend he had even a snowball’s chance in Hades to unseat Cruz and […]
By JD Heyes
FINALLY: Female cyclist cries FOUL over biological man winning women’s cycling championship by claiming to be a transgender woman
It took a while for someone to muster up the courage to speak out against the growing number of sports scandals being perpetrated by transgenders, but someone finally did. Jennifer Wagner, who was born as a woman and still claims to be one, has trained for years as a cyclist. But in a recent world […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats LIE about their real intentions in order to win elections… because they could never win if they were honest
Following Barack Obama’s first two years as president, his Democratic Party began an unprecedented decline in popularity, losing seats on the local, state, and federal level by the hundreds. Then 2016 rolled around and Democrats – along with their propaganda division, the “mainstream” media – believed that their electoral fortunes were about to shift. Hillary […]
By JD Heyes
Elizabeth Warren’s ancestor was actually a militia member who rounded up Cherokee Indians
Sen. Elizabeth Warren has been one of POTUS Donald Trump’s most vociferous critics, and she has particularly bristled at his reference to her as “Pocahontas,” a jab at her alleged Native American heritage which she has used in the past as a means of advancing her academic career prior to politics. As such, in a bid […]
By JD Heyes
Elizabeth Warren’s DNA text exposed as a junk science HOAX based on extrapolation… no actual Native American DNA analyzed
There have been no shortages of “October surprise” attempts by the extreme Left to derail Republicans’ chances of holding onto the House and Senate, as desperate Democrats try anything and everything to reverse a slide in electoral victories that started in 2010 under the Obama nightmare. Thus far, the Democrat ‘surprises’ have included a porn […]
By JD Heyes
Women should ALWAYS be believed? What about these 35 times men were falsely accused of rape?
Throughout the debacle that was the Brett Kavanaugh hearing in the Senate, Democrats trotted out Christine Blasey Ford and her uncorroborated, unsubstantiated claims of sexual abuse to try to derail his confirmation. As Ford’s allegations were ‘surfacing,’ so were those of two other women, though their claims, too, were just as incredible and without merit. Nevertheless, […]
By JD Heyes
When Libtards collide: Anti-Kavanaugh college protest cancelled because it overlapped the schedule of Indigenous People’s Day
When it comes to demonstrating their outrage and disgust at America and all things traditional and conservative, sometimes Leftists just have to prioritize. Like they did in recent days, when it came to making a choice between protesting against the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who will do more to protect their constitutional […]
By JD Heyes
LiberalMob.com documents what Democrats refuse to acknowledge: They are being taken over by Left-wing “shock troops”
During a ‘discussion’ on his program Tuesday about the rise of Left-wing mobs that threaten, intimidate and employ physical violence against Trump supporters and Republicans in general, CNN host Don Lemon angrily shut down a conservative dissenter, claiming that such behavior was protected speech under the First Amendment. The discussion got so heated that at one […]
By JD Heyes
ANOTHER Google executive demands dismantling America to stop conservatives; announces desire to “abolish the Senate”
One thing Leftists are good at is letting Americans see them for who they really are, which is especially helpful in an election year. The Democratic Party and its sycophantic supporters have let it be known in no uncertain terms in the age of POTUS Donald Trump and the era of constitutionalism that he is […]
By JD Heyes
INSANITY the new norm: University says students can now “identify” as people of color… even if they’re white
If the scandal involving Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., self-identifying as a Native American to gain preferred hiring status at Harvard University some years ago bothers you, get ready to be perpetually upset about such things. That’s because America’s increasing Marxist-Left universities (and especially the “Ivy League” schools) are enshrining that kind of misrepresentation into official […]
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