News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Jimmy Kimmel becomes king of the late-night gutter, as his Kavanaugh ‘penis’ comment sets a new low standard for “comedy”
In the age of POTUS Donald Trump, most Hollywood stars have lost their minds – and their sense of humor – having been consumed with hate over the presidency of a man who, more than likely, tries to find ways every day to trigger them. And why wouldn’t he? After all, POTUS used to walk […]
By JD Heyes
French school artificially Photoshops skin of college students to fake darker “diversity” skin color
If you get the sense that white Western culture is self-destructing in the U.S. and around the world where it has been dominant for centuries, congratulate yourself for having great instincts. Various ethnic groups throughout the ages have been singled out for persecution, and in recent history, someone, somewhere decided it was time to persecute […]
By JD Heyes
Newly leaked video shows Google execs panicking, sobbing after Trump’s amazing 2016 victory
We’ve been reporting on the social media behemoths’ very obvious bias against conservatives and pro-Trump voices through shadow banning and outright censorship, and though it’s obvious to us, there are still far too many Americans who don’t believe it’s happening. But now, a newly leaked video to Breitbart News should prove once and for all, at […]
By JD Heyes
Twitter suspends Benghazi war hero for criticizing Obama… the “dear leader” may not be questioned
There are real heroes in America and then there are those who either claim to be one or are falsely elevated to that lofty status by pop culture morons who wouldn’t recognize true heroism if they stepped over it. One of the real deals is all-around good guy is Kris “Tanto” Paronto, a hero who […]
By JD Heyes
Liberal activist calls for banning MEN via “man control” since gun control isn’t having the desired effect
There are conservatives who have claimed that “liberalism” is a form of mental disorder, and in their defense, liberals everywhere continue to prove them correct. The Left is relentless in its pursuit to disarm the American citizenry, whether or not such an objective comports with the Constitution’s Second Amendment. As proof that Leftists only value […]
By JD Heyes
Behavior of Democrats at Kavanaugh hearing proves left-wingers are a deranged lynch mob of irrational, angry HATERS
Democrats continue in their attempt to turn our political process into something more like mob rule, where the mob that shouts the loudest and the angriest and is the most violent, ‘wins’ the debate. As the Senate Judiciary Committee opened its session Tuesday morning to consider whether to advance POTUS Donald Trump’s most recent U.S. […]
By JD Heyes
Deranged anti-Trumpers now pushing for “show trials” to criminalize, imprison all Trump supporters across America
Icons of the so-called #NeverTrump “resistance” are growing increasingly unhinged as Trump Derangement Syndrome continues to rob them of their ability to think and act rationally. There is nothing that these people wouldn’t do to depose the president – one way or the other – and they regularly dog whistle that sentiment to their equally […]
By JD Heyes
#BoycottNike: Nike signs cop-hating, America-bashing Colin Kaepernick; customers express mass outrage
Once again, a large American corporation has done something to alienate what is arguably the majority of American consumers by being completely tone-deaf and out-of-touch with a huge swath of the country. A growing number of Americans are outraged by Nike’s decision to sign former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who initiated the disgraceful protests against police, our […]
By JD Heyes
The Democratic party has become radicalized into the party of communism, violence and anti-America
The deeper we get into the Trump presidency, the more unhinged, angry, violent, and irrational his Democratic opponents become. Beginning with POTUS Trump’s inaugural weekend, when the Left staged unprecedented protests in the nation’s capital replete with entertainers and Hollywood stars who hurled insults and even threats at the new president, to now, when a […]
By JD Heyes
Texas Democrat Beto O’Rourke was a drunk driver who attempted to flee the scene of the crime
Most Americans are less-than-perfect human beings, and we all make mistakes. But some mistakes are worse than others, especially if you’re a sitting member of Congress who wants to move up the political ladder. Enter Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, the U.S. Democratic congressmen from Texas who seeks to defeat incumbent GOP Sen. Ted Cruz in […]
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