News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
LAWLESS Left-wing California mayor helped illegal aliens with sex, robbery convictions evade certain capture by ICE agents
As I write this, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is dropping a hammer on the state of California. And frankly, it’s about time. After warning Gov. Jerry Brown and fellow Democrats who run the single-party state for months their sanctuary policies that protect illegal aliens from deportation were going to land them in legal hot water, […]
By JD Heyes
Florida stands up for the First Amendment by eliminating college “free speech” zones that limit speaking to pre-approved locations
Throughout my career as a journalist and political scientist, I’ve never come across any historical evidence indicating that our Founding Fathers sought to limit Americans’ free speech rights to certain areas. And yet that’s precisely what many colleges and universities do. Administrators have adopted policies creating “free speech zones” where they essentially funnel students and […]
By JD Heyes
Yes, we ARE “America the divided,” but you can thank Democrats — the American Communist Party — for that
It’s no longer a secret: America is a very divided country, and without a doubt in the age of Obama and Trump, our divisions have only grown wider and deeper. Here’s a little secret: It’s all by design. The American Left is no different than the Marxist Left in any other country on the planet, […]
By JD Heyes
Here’s more proof that late-night TV “comedian” Jimmy Kimmel is a disgusting human being
In case you missed it — and judging by the historically low viewership you probably did — the 90th Academy Awards were broadcast on ABC Sunday, and for the second year in a row, they were hosted by comedian-turned-Alt-Left activist-in-chief Jimmy Kimmel. As expected, the host turned the opening monologue into a hatefest directed at […]
By JD Heyes
NRA’s Dana Loesch reveals why the so-called “journalists” at CNN are some of the lowest forms of life walking the planet today
Last week, proud Pravda member CNN staged the journalistic equivalent of a hit job on Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and National Rifle Association spokeswoman Dana Loesch disguised as a “town hall event” to discuss “solutions” to school shootings. Head ring leader Jake Tapper, who used to be a real journalist before hooking up with the […]
By JD Heyes
Disgusting: United Airlines cuts ties with the nation’s oldest civil rights group, the NRA, but continues to fund abortion murder
I sometimes wonder why President Donald J. Trump and Republicans want to help American corporations that are operated by Left-wing kooks and outright cowards. I know why mind you: Helping them grow helps investors and raises their value, which in turn helps ordinary Americans who invest in these companies via their personal 401(k) and other […]
By JD Heyes
The deranged left-wing mob continues its assault on the First Amendment by demanding entire CHANNELS be blacklisted
To the Marxist Left, they should have unfettered use of the Constitution’s personal and civil rights protections, but at the same time, those rights and protections should be denied to anyone who dares to disagree with them. Their tyranny was on full display again Monday in stepped-up attacks against the National Rifle Association following the […]
By JD Heyes
NRA chief Wayne LaPierre nails critics: “European socialists” taking over Democratic Party as crazed Left calls for BURNING spokeswoman
Let me just say this up front: The National Rifle Association is not responsible for the rash of school shootings that have been occurring since the late 1990s. Which also means the NRA is not responsible for the most recent shooting in Parkland, Fla, either. The 17 students and school staff who died there last […]
By JD Heyes
98% of all mass shootings target “gun-free zones” that were created by liberals
The worst thing about the Marxist American Left is that they create problems and deadly situations that conservatives and libertarians have to live (or die) with. Take America’s school-shooting epidemic. It’s ludicrous to blame it on the National Rifle Association, Republican lawmakers, President Donald J. Trump, or a ‘lack of laws.’ It’s intellectual laziness to […]
By JD Heyes
CNN hosts a modern-day Salem Witch Trial: Angry Leftists shout “burn her!” at NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch
The country’s leading agitprop network, CNN, held a “town hall” event earlier this week ostensibly to ‘have a conversation’ with politicians and the country’s largest gun-rights organization following another horrific school shooting — this one in south Florida. Turns out the event was more Salem Witch Trial than conversation. It turned into a forum for […]
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