News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
U.S. Chamber of Commerce declares that Americans have no role in making their own country… only “dreamers” count from now on
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has been a champion of American businesses for decades, but something happened to the organization’s leadership in recent years: While the organization is still a champion of business, it isn’t a champion of American workers. For some time now the chamber’s leaders and members have been much more supportive of […]
By JD Heyes
Actor Kevin Spacey claiming he’s gay after being outed for hitting on 14-year-old boy follows sex scandal playbook
Actor Kevin Spacey is claiming he’s gay after being accused of sexual misconduct, but he’s being castigated even in Hollywood for playing what many see as the ‘homosexual card’ — which is nothing new in the world of politics, the Washington Times reported. In fact, the paper noted, the playbook dates back to 1983, when […]
By JD Heyes
Feminist California professor goes full libtard: “Science” is racist because so much of it was developed by white men
At some point, I keep hoping that the lunatics who call themselves college and university professors and who are so consumed with Alt-Left hate for people and ideologies they don’t like or understand will no longer be taken seriously or allowed to infect young, impressionable minds. Sadly, that day has not yet arrived, as evidenced […]
By JD Heyes
Hilarious video captures liberal college students praising Trump’s tax reform plan when told it’s from Bernie Sanders
If you needed more proof that many of today’s college and university students have been ‘programmed’ to respond favorably to certain political ideologies, a newly-released video showing some students praising President Donald J. Trump’s tax reforms after being told they were devised by Marxist Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont provides additional proof. As reported by […]
By JD Heyes
Hate-filled Frederica Wilson proves that democrats don’t care how many soldiers DIE, as long as they can exploit the casualties to smear Trump
Under Barack Obama, the Democratic Party shifted so far to the Left that it alienated the vast majority of Americans as evidenced by the loss of more than a thousand local, state and federal elected office seats and governorships around the country. Things have only gotten worse as we have entered the era of President […]
By JD Heyes
Arsonist who set fires in California an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”
As Democrats on the far Left freak out over the Trump administration’s ongoing efforts to do something radical regarding immigration law — which is to say, enforce it — the top U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement official, Director Tom Homan, has confirmed that the deadly, ruinous wildfires ravaging California were allegedly started by an illegal […]
By JD Heyes
Twisted: Celebrities tout “United We Plan” T-shirts equating patriotism with murdering unborn babies
Hollywood celebrities, who regularly push the boundaries of decorum, taste, and class, just can’t get over their love for abortion-on-demand. Now there is a new effort afoot to continue their promotion of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion mill, with a “United We Plan” T-shirt drive. As reported by Townhall, the organization has been a […]
By JD Heyes
Late-night “comedians” and TV shows who routinely trash Trump now SILENT on Weinstein even as NYPD probing allegations of rape
Alleged sexual predator and mega-Hollywood director Harvey Weinstein has gotten a free pass from the late-night “comedians” and comedy shows that daily lampoon President Donald J. Trump because he’s a loyal Left-wing liberal backer of abortion and donor to Democratic causes and candidates. But he’s not getting a pass from the NYPD. In fact, as […]
By JD Heyes
After ruining the NFL, delusional liberals are now ruining STAR TREK, too
If you are someone who doesn’t agree with the far-Left in America, it’s getting so that there is nothing on television or in the movies that you can watch without being blasted with their agenda. As the new NFL season began with pre-season games in August, protests of the National Anthem and the American flag […]
By JD Heyes
Thanks to “social justice” shenanigans, the NFL has devolved into a libtard festival of annoying stupidity
When the head of an American professional sports league deigns to lecture the president of the United States for his criticism of players who are openly disrespecting the flag and the country, while taunting and insulting fans, our society has reached a point of decay from which there is no return. As you may know, […]
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