News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Trump’s Mika tweet over the top? What about ALL her media attacks on the president?
If you’ve paid any attention at all to cable news or online political coverage you know that the latest media “outrage” at President Donald J. Trump is over a series of tweets earlier this week in which it is claimed that he “attacked” MSNBC morning show co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski. What was particularly […]
By JD Heyes
Top CNN political contributor now admitting the Trump-Russia narrative is a big hoax: Network credibility collapse continues
CNN continues to be exposed as little more than a Nazi-era propaganda network as yet another top figure admitted that the so-called “Trump-Russia collusion” narrative is nothing but a major hoax. Or, as political contributor Van Jones put it, a “nothing burger.” Jones is the latest CNN target of Project Veritas, an investigative journalism organization […]
By JD Heyes
After running fake news to destroy Trump, CNN host now declares it all “needs to stop” right now
There is no question that CNN, by its own deeds, has risen to the top of the fake news industry. A recently published compilation of the many times just in recent history the network published or broadcast (or both) fake news regarding President Donald J. Trump is self-explanatory; heck, the network even had to retract […]
By JD Heyes
Undercover video exposing CNN LIES about Trump-Russia “collusion” proves network should lose White House privileges AND be cut from Google, Facebook news feeds
Shortly after Donald J. Trump had the bad taste to upset the Washington establishment by actually beating Hillary Clinton last fall, one of the first false narratives of many to be created by the sore losers in the media was that the billionaire businessman had to have been helped by some unseen, insidious force. The Washington […]
By JD Heyes
CNN now fully exposed as fake news central after senior producer calls Trump-Russia narrative “bulls**t” in new undercover video
CNN is having a bad week. A few days back, the network was forced to retract a story based on an “anonymous” congressional source claiming that Anthony Scaramucci, a member of the transition team’s executive committee, as well as a fundraiser and adviser for the president’s campaign, was under congressional investigation. The story claimed, specifically, that […]
By JD Heyes
Why this ends in war: There is no “common ground” when the Left has gone totally insane and rejected reality
The political divide between the Left and Right in America has steadily widened since the election of Barack Obama, who then did everything he could to deepen that divide through the pursuit of domestic policies aimed at tearing down traditional American values and upending cultural norms and mores. After eight years of Obama’s Left-wing, Marxist-revolutionary […]
By JD Heyes
Disgusting Democrats: Nebraska party official ousted after he was overheard praising shooter for critically wounding GOP whip Scalise
Without a doubt, the modern-day Democratic Party — once the party of slavery, segregation and officially-sanctioned racism — has completely lost its soul and has officially become America’s largest organized hate group. As reported by local Fox affiliate KPTM, a Nebraska Democrat has been sacked after praising the fact that House GOP No. 3, Majority […]
By JD Heyes
Trump vindication? New study shows MILLIONS of “non-citizens” have been voting in U.S. elections
After Donald J. Trump handily defeated Hillary Clinton in November, her shell-shocked campaign, along with the entire Democratic Left, could only grasp at one fact to soothe their bruised, over-inflated egos: Their candidate, at least, won the popular vote. Well, she did, no question about it. But even that is tainted, given that her majority […]
By JD Heyes
A timeline tour of Hillary Clinton’s conspiracy theory excuses for why she lost
It’s hard being Hillary Clinton these days. No longer in government and no longer viewed as her party’s leader, this two-time Democratic presidential loser has been relegated to a supporting role in the national political dialogue, at best. But rather than use whatever limited opportunities she has to break new ground and advance her party’s […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing media and Democrats colluded to create Russia hacking HOAX as an act of TREASON to overthrow the elected president
Since Nov. 9, the day after the presidential election, Americans have been treated to the lie that Donald J. Trump and his campaign (and later, inner political circle) “colluded” with Russia to “steal” the White House from Hillary Clinton. There have been a number of variations on this phony narrative — Russia mass-planted fake news […]
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