News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Dershowitz warns that left-wing media frenzy endangers civil liberties by promoting LIES about Trump and the presidency
He supported President Obama and politically leans very much to the Left, but when it comes to the construct of American government, there are few better defenders of our constitutional system than Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz. And the good professor does not like what he is seeing and hearing in regards to all of […]
By JD Heyes
InfoWars LEAK of Megyn Kelly audio reveals how mainstream media propagandists LIE to guests then TWIST the facts to smear people like Alex Jones
One of the reasons why conservative and liberty-minded public figures often refuse to be interviewed by the “mainstream” media is because said interviews are very often selectively edited to portray said conservative in a negative light, or to have them taken out of context. Infowars host and founder Alex Jones is well aware of these […]
By JD Heyes
Pathetic NY Times’ response to attempted assassination of GOP lawmakers: It’s Sarah Palin’s fault
In the wake of what could have been a horrific mass murder of scores of Republican lawmakers Wednesday morning as they practiced for Congress’ annual charity softball game at a ball field in northern Virginia, the disgusting Left-wing partisans at The New York Times are attempting to provide political cover for the attempted assassination by […]
By JD Heyes
Why did Sanders supporter want to assassinate REPUBLICANS when DEMOCRATIC rigging and corruption is why he lost his party’s nomination?
Following James T. Hodgkinson’s attempt to kill “as many Republicans as possible” as they practiced for their annual softball game against Democrats on a ball field in northern Virginia Wednesday morning, reporters looking into the former Belleville, Ill., resident have identified a political pattern — namely, that Hodgkinson was a huge supporter and former campaign […]
By JD Heyes
Even after James Comey outs the New York Times for fake news over Russia-Trump collusion, paper won’t correct the record
Unbelievably, even after fired FBI Director James Comey told members of the Senate Intelligence Committee last week that a February 14 story The New York Times ran implying “collusion” between Team Trump and “The Russians” was dead wrong, the paper still won’t make the necessary corrections. Proving, once more, that in the Age of President […]
By JD Heyes
James Comey confirms that NYT story on Russian collusion conspiracy was totally #FAKENEWS
One of the most under-reported aspects of fired FBI Director James Comey’s much-ballyhooed testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence was the bombshell that much of the reporting on Team Trump and the White House by the disgusting “mainstream” media has been absolutely false. As in, not even close to the truth. One such […]
By JD Heyes
Former Obama Medicare chief blames GOP for “sneaky” Obamacare repeal, after Democrats lied to pass it – is he kidding?
If you needed more proof that Democrats lack the hypocrisy gene, here goes: A former Obama administration health care official is actually accusing Republicans of being less than honest about Obamacare. You can’t make this stuff up. As reported by The Hill, Obama’s acting administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Andy […]
By JD Heyes
As expected, the disgusting fake news media is ignoring the most damning of all revelations made by James Comey
There were several glaring omissions by the “mainstream media,” as typified in this Associated Press story about former FBI Director James Comey’s much-anticipated testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday — like any mention of potential criminal activity committed by himself and his former boss at the Obama Justice Department, Attorney General Loretta Lynch. […]
By JD Heyes
All the times James Comey cleared President Trump and his administration during his Senate testimony — while admitting to potential crimes
There were three bombshells revealed earlier this morning by former FBI Director James Comey during his public testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, but none of them harm President Donald J. Trump. In fact, two of those three implicate Comey himself in a potential crime, as well as former Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch. But […]
By JD Heyes
GENDER FLUID SCIENCE: University of Arizona liberal announces “feminist” version of physics, because real physics is dominated by men like Sir Isaac Newton
It should be said — plainly, loudly and often — that far-Left “progressives” and their ideological soulmates in the Democratic Party care nothing about “equality,” because if they really did, they wouldn’t pit ethnic groups, members of various sexual statuses and even political rivals against each other. But they do so because that is where […]
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