News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Al Gore is a genocidal depopulation cultist who won’t stop until all humanity is destroyed, warns new science video
Though he certainly has his fans and sycophantic supporters, the reality about Al Gore is that when it comes to his claims that humankind’s quest to live a technologically advanced life is destroying the planet, they are worse than wrong – they are nonsensical. Gore’s so-called “claim to fame” regarding the climate change/global warming hoax […]
By JD Heyes
According to the insane, intolerant Left, WHITE women are not allowed to run burrito shops without being labeled racists
Once upon a time in America, people used to consider imitation the highest form of flattery. The thought was, if somebody thought to mimic something being done by someone else, that was a compliment. Not anymore. Now, imitation is considered an insult and even a form of racism by those on the increasingly insane Left. […]
By JD Heyes
By firing Jihadi murder advocate Kathy Griffin, CNN avoids being labeled an ISIS sympathizer
Imagine that you voluntarily participated in a “photo shoot” where, as the video camera rolled, you stared blankly forward and slowly raised a mock severed, bloodied head of the current sitting president of the United States. Imagine if you had not only upset said president, but offended his wife and family, and made his 11-year-old […]
By JD Heyes
Bogus “Trump-Russia collusion” story nothing but a political hatchet job cooked up by Obama loyalist John Brennan
After a series of congressional hearings involving a former top figure in the U.S. intelligence community, it has become far more clear what led the Obama-era FBI to launch its counterintelligence investigation into “alleged” Team Trump-Russia “collusion.” Think politics. Think political hackery. Think abuse of the Constitution. Think former CIA Director John Brennan. As reported […]
By JD Heyes
WaPo screws up again, publishes fake news involving Trump son-in-law: Kushner DIDN’T request back channel to Russia
Not that it will make any difference whatsoever to the sycophants who read the Washington Post and foolishly believe every anti-Trump screed the paper publishes, but it got another story wrong over the Memorial Day weekend, and in a big way. In yet another breathless gotcha! report, WaPo — “according to U.S. officials briefed on […]
By JD Heyes
Americans have more to fear from Trump Derangement Syndrome than terrorism in the foreseeable future
Once again we were all reminded of the global terrorist threat we face after watching coverage and reading news stories about the horrific ISIS-affiliated attack at a concert venue in Manchester, England, this past week, in which children and young adults, as well as parents, were injured, maimed and killed. There’s no doubt that Europe […]
By JD Heyes
Left’s delusional “conspiracy theories” about Russia are OK on Twitter, but not the Seth Rich conspiracy analysis
There is an all-out war being conducted against the alternative media by Left-wing speech Nazis in the so-called “mainstream media” and their social media enablers. That’s the only way to explain the continual censorship of important stories by “free speech” platforms like Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter. The latter is the most recent offender of […]
By JD Heyes
“Mainstream” media lives in ALTERNATE universe where Obama never did anything wrong and Seth Rich wasn’t murdered for leaking DNC emails to Wikileaks
Those working for the disgusting and discredited “mainstream” media continue to prove they are living in a different dimension — an alternative universe if you will — than rational, thinking Americans. And what’s really pathetic is that far too many of our fellow citizens who are smart enough to know better have followed them into […]
By JD Heyes
Trump sign triggers insane freakout by lunatic leftist on University campus
So-called “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is a real thing and ought to become an official psychiatric diagnosis, though given the Left-leaning nature of the field and the federal medical bureaucracy, don’t expect that to happen anytime soon. Still, it should because there are daily examples of it all over the country, especially on America’s college campuses, […]
By JD Heyes
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg says “Global superstructure” needed to advance humanity under totalitarian control
How do you go from a nerd who developed a popular social media website to master decider of the universe and the future of Humankind? Easy: You turn that social media site creation into a multi-billion dollar platform and presto, instant credibility. To my knowledge, Facebook founder and Harvard dropout Mark Zuckerburg doesn’t have any advanced […]
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