News & Articles By News Editors
By News Editors
If saying an election is stolen is a crime, why isn’t Stacey Abrams in prison?
The fourth and latest round of indictments against former President Donald Trump suggests that constitutionally protected actions such as questioning election results, asking for phone numbers, and encouraging voters to watch TV are now indictment-worthy acts of conspiracy. If claiming an election is stolen is truly a crime, as prosecutors and grand jurors in Trump’s Georgia case […]
By News Editors
Age of rage: UChicago report finds 30 million Americans view violence as justified to keep Trump from power
I recently asked, in light of the free speech implications of the second federal Trump indictment, when the price is too high for those who seek to jail the former president. The chilling answer is found in a new report out of the University of Chicago showing that almost 12 percent of the population, representing 30 […]
By News Editors
Is anyone surprised? Left-wing media doesn’t like ‘Rich Men North Of Richmond’
Leftists across America have been triggered. (Article by Tyler Durden republished from ZeroHedge.com) That’s probably not going to come as a shock to anyone, but the establishment media and woke social media response to Oliver Anthony’s gritty coal country ballad ‘Rich Men North Of Richmond’ is less than enthusiastic. Much like their reaction to Jason […]
By News Editors
¡No más!
Karma is God’s hickory switch, and almost always applied with a cosmic chortle. Things come around when a certain excess cargo of cognitive dissonance breaks the brains of those just struggling to carry on. The country has had enough — enough walking-talking hypocrisies, enough trips laid on it, enough Tik-tok lectures from the nose-rings-for-lunch-bunch. We’re […]
By News Editors
Journalist goes undercover and exposes ADL’s dark and nefarious social media censorship scheme…
The ADL’s once-respected reputation now stands alongside the likes of the ACLU, Mafia, and those evil bastards creating gas station sushi – in other words, it’s in shambles. This is just another example of a “mask” being ripped off like a three-week old bandaid, exposing the ADL as another flunky for the progressive left. And […]
By News Editors
Americans beware: Roving gangs of 13-17-year olds (guess the race) are killing elderly people
The next time you feel a surge of outrage over a crime, and a choir of liberals joins in to shield the bad guy with the excuse, ‘But he’s only 15…,” kindly remember that roving gangs of teens are actively killing elderly people all over the country. That’s what recently happened in Philadelphia, another liberal-run […]
By News Editors
Maddow MELTDOWN: Falsely claims AR-15 for ‘babies’ has hit the market
A mental meltdown is the best way to describe the hissy fit MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow threw during her eponymous show on Monday when she repeatedly lied about a new AR-15 model being released LAST YEAR that was supposedly “specifically designed for babies” and “the teething toddler market.” (Article by Nicholas Fondacaro republished from NewsBusters.org) In reality, […]
By News Editors
From dumb to dangerous
The Dumbest Generation Grows Up is Mark Bauerlein’s sequel to his bestselling 2009 book, The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future. Both books deal with Millennials, the generation usually defined as anyone born between 1981 and the mid-90s, and the author, who taught English at Emory University for many years, […]
By News Editors
The war on truth
There is an all-out, no holds barred, war on truth occurring now– and we here in America are on its front lines…whether some of us know it or not. If we lose this war, there can be no recovery, no return. That statement is not hyperbole, nor is it born of ignorance or undue pessimism. (Article by […]
By News Editors
THE FIX IS IN: Joe Biden sits on the beach, has no plans to hold campaign events, is not spending campaign money, holds few fundraisers, has crappy poll numbers, the worst record in history, was caught in massive bribery scandal, and Democrats aren’t worried
The fix is in for 2024. Democrats will use the same game plan they used in 2020. Nominate an unpopular candidate, campaign from the basement, hold few rallies with 20-30 people, mail out millions of ballots, insert ballot drop boxes, use voting machines and make sure they are never investigated, late night ballot deliveries after the deadline, keep adding […]
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