News & Articles By News Editors
By News Editors
‘Eliminate him’: A look at the violent rhetoric against Donald Trump
While the attempted assassination of Donald Trump has been roundly condemned by his political opponents, liberal politicians and pundits have – implicitly and explicitly – called for his death before. (Article republished from RT.com) Trump narrowly avoided death at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, when an assassin’s bullet apparently clipped his ear […]
By News Editors
MSNBC yanks ‘Morning Joe’ reportedly on fears of inappropriate Trump shooting commentary
MSNBC has taken its celebrated “Morning Joe” off-air on Monday reportedly on fears that their well-known leftist hosts could say the wrong thing or something deeply insensitive about the Saturday Trump assassination attempt which could leave the network in a bind. The show is missing in action on this crucial day of the Republican National Convention in […]
By News Editors
The role of hatred in the upcoming election
James Howard Kunstler explains how Democrats and media avoid truth by creating a false reality and end up believing their own lies. The entire purpose of Democrats and media is to deceive and to intimidate Americans into living in unreality and aiding and abetting their own demise. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/07/james-howard-kunstler/who-turned-off-the-gaslight/ (Article republished from PaulCraigRoberts.org) Now that some […]
By News Editors
Reporters blame “right-wing media” for their failure to disclose Biden’s infirmity
The media is sorry . . . sort of. After the shocking appearance of President Joe Biden in the presidential debate, the public has turned its attention to the press which has, again, buried a major scandal for years. According to CNN, the reporters at the White House are really, really sorry but explained that […]
By News Editors
Reaction to viral Australian ad demonstrates global pushback against transgender movement
The transgender movement has had a very bad year, with the bombshell release of the Cass Report in the U.K., state-level laws passing across the U.S., and provincial premiers in Canada finally growing a spine and stepping up to protect parental rights and gender dysphoric minors. In response, we’re seeing transgender activists and their political […]
By News Editors
Why the French chose the ‘radical far right’ over Macron’s establishment
French President Emmanuel Macron figured that he would toss a grenade at the anti-establishment right that beat his team in the European parliamentary elections last month, as Le Monde reported. He apparently figured that even though French voters favored Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party to keep Brussels’ Eurocrats in check, surely they would still […]
By News Editors
We are NOT all Americans
I get so tired of hearing all the do-gooders in the country trying to tell me and everyone else that “we’re all still Americans” and that we should “be civil” to those rat bastard communists who are never civil and are in the process of driving our republic into the ash heap of history. (Article […]
By News Editors
Supreme Court deals crushing blow to American liberty
American liberty took a crushing blow earlier today at the hands of Amy Coney Barrett, Chief Justice John Roberts, and the three liberals on the court. The case is called Murthy v. Missouri. (Article republished from Revolver.news) USA Today: WASHINGTON?The Supreme Court on Wednesday handed the Biden administration an election-year victory, throwing out a conservative challenge […]
By News Editors
Biden’s latest DEI hire deletes past anti-White and anti-police tweets
In the latest clownworld development, the Biden Administration hired a man in a dress to be its new Associate Communications Director and it quickly emerged that the guy had a history of spicy tweets hating on white people, comparing police officers to ‘slave patrols’ and ‘lynch mobs’, and calling for ICE to be abolished. (Article […]
By News Editors
Newsweek runs dumbest article possible on Roger Stone, reeks of liberal panic
This is what passes for “news” at Newsweek? (Article by Joe Saunders republished from WesternJournal.com) Former President Donald Trump’s supporters are determined to avoid the mistakes of 2020 and are preparing to use every legal method available to prevent Democrats from dishonestly changing the results. And there are undercover recordings to prove it! That was […]
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