There’s no other way to say it – colleges and universities today are more determined to create an entire generation …
Proper use of the English language is no longer a requirement at Canopy Oaks Elementary School in Tallahassee, Florida, where …
If your skin color tends towards fair as opposed to dark, you’re automatically a racist who’s inherently evil. This is …
You can find lots of things at the discount European supermarket Lidl, from affordable organic honey and olive oil to …
One of the main problems with the left’s insistence on becoming a politically correct society (other than the obvious fact …
To the progressive left, virtually any act is justified so long as it is done in the name of what …
Actor George Clooney, along with his human rights lawyer wife, Amal, has just donated $1 million to the Southern Poverty …
Perhaps one of the most bizarre job-creation schemes ever devised is about to be put in place by far-Left ideologues …
Can a soap dispenser in a public bathroom be “racist?” Only if you’re an intolerant Left-wing nut job who doesn’t …
There are reasons why it is vitally important for people to learn their country’s history — all of it, including …