The far Left’s insanity manifests itself in new and inventive ways each and every day, as practitioners of political correctness …
To the Left, no behavior is too outrageous, improper or uncalled for when done in defense of progressive goals, even …
In modern times, Democrats and their Marxist allies have portrayed Republicans and conservatives as Alt-Right racists and bigots, even though …
The violent clash that reportedly took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend between a group known as “Unite the …
As usual, everything you’re being told about what happened in Charlottesville by the mainstream media is distorted for political effect. …
Those on the Left constantly preach about “diversity” and “equality” and the freedom to be who and what you want …
The insane Left has scored another victory for its ideology, but a defeat for the well-being and longevity of the …
A favorite accusation by far-Left activists aligned with the Democratic Party is that supporters of President Donald J. Trump are …
In case you missed it, President Donald J. Trump visited Poland last week and gave a tremendous speech in which …
There could be no better civic lesson than what is occurring today on some American college campuses as to why our founders established …