Making no efforts whatsoever to try to fix its damaged reputation as the world’s most prolific purveyor of fake news, …
Many people who adopt leftist ideology do so as a reaction to something else. Perhaps it was a conservative upbringing …
To the progressive left, virtually any act is justified so long as it is done in the name of what …
In modern times, Democrats and their Marxist allies have portrayed Republicans and conservatives as Alt-Right racists and bigots, even though …
For decades, those on the extreme left have been vocal advocates of imposing more regulations on the Second Amendment so …
A favorite accusation by far-Left activists aligned with the Democratic Party is that supporters of President Donald J. Trump are …
Marxist Leftist supporters of the Democratic Party are training for combat against “fascist” supporters of President Donald J. Trump. Sort …
Everyone in the so called “resistance” movement against Donald Trump thinks that they’re fighting a rising tide of fascism in …
With tensions high internationally and news about China, Russia, Syria, Iran and ISIS, along with more terrorist attacks in Paris, …
To liberals, no one is more vile and divisive than right-leaning pundit, author and lawyer Ann Coulter. To conservatives, few …