U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who was cheated out of the Democratic Party nomination for president last year by a …
After the disaster Democrats created in passing Obamacare, the last thing tens of millions of Americans want to hear is …
In the immediate aftermath of the near-assassination last month of GOP House Majority Whip Steve Scalise by a far-Left supporter …
One of the popular objections to the GOP proposals to reform health insurance markets is that the Affordable Care Act …
There is no question that CNN, by its own deeds, has risen to the top of the fake news industry. …
To hear hysterical Democrats say it, any attempt at health care reform by the GOP is equivalent to “killing Americans.” …
If you needed more proof that Democrats lack the hypocrisy gene, here goes: A former Obama administration health care official …
Donald Trump is not supposed to be president. That’s what all the politicos, experts, sages, swamis, soothsayers, legend-makers, talking heads, …
From the outset, former President Obama planned to ram through the Affordable Care Act, which became better known as “Obamacare,” …
Paul Bedard reports for Washington Examiner that according to digital expert Michael Brown, social media is used to manipulate opinion, …