The political divide between the Left and Right in America has steadily widened since the election of Barack Obama, who …
In one of her most pathetic, embarrassing and cringe-worthy comments out on the campaign trail, Hillary Clinton once told a …
Leftists hate democracy and demand totalitarianism. According to the Health Ranger, liberal ideology does not accept any institution of government …
The Left is morally and fiscally bankrupt, devoid of coherent solutions, and corrupted by its embrace of the Corporatocracy. (Article …
The nation’s leading journalists, talking heads, and television analysts collectively threw a full-blown media hissy fit after first daughter Ivanka …
The Clintons believe that they are God’s gift to the entire world. All of them, but particularly Hillary, have an …
We are not even one month into the presidency of Donald J. Trump, and already the crooked, lying mainstream media …
Most conservatives would agree that California more closely resembles an entirely different planet than simply America’s western-most state. From the …
Just one day after Donald Trump got elected, Barack Obama stood before the country and the world, and declared that …
The Democrat party is quickly becoming the laughing stock of the entire country. As they continue to dress themselves up …