01/21/2018 / By JD Heyes
Progressive Leftist darling Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the woman who gave us the unaccountable Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, has an identity problem plaguing her as she gears up for her Senate re-election bid and a possible run at the 2020 presidential election.
Namely, she thinks she’s a Native American — even to the point where she’s used that claim to get special hiring status at an Ivy League university, among other advantages — though she has no evidence to back up that claim.
“I know who I am,” the Massachusetts Democrat told the Boston Globe recently in an interview.
We know who (and what) you are too, Liz.
As noted by the paper, her wild claims of Native American lineage are a “ghost” haunting her and her upcoming campaigns, and that will especially be true if she somehow manages to buffalo a majority of Democratic voters (who, admittedly, are easily buffaloed, given that Hillary was the last nominee) and come head-to-head with President Donald J. Trump.
He’s already called her out and what’s really hysterical is that he did it during an Oval Office event recognizing real Native Americans — Navajo “code talkers” who helped U.S. forces communicate secretly in full view of Japanese forces because they spoke in their native tongues, completely stumping Japanese army eavesdroppers. (Related: Elizabeth Warren pushing for government-run health care system to “solve” the problem of government-run health care systems.)
Trump’s nickname for Liz is “Faucahontas” — or, alternatively, Pocahontas, both of which are names he uses to mock her bogus, unsubstantiated claim of Native American heritage. And so, as the Globe noted, her self-identification “may not be enough, as her political ambitions blossom.”
“She’s taken flak from the right for years as a ‘fake Indian,’ including taunts from President Trump… That clamor from the right will only grow with her increasing prominence,” the Globe reported.
You bet it will. As is should.
But the Progressive Left is also nervous:
And, more telling, there’s also discomfort on the left and among some tribal leaders and activists that Warren has a political blind spot when it comes to the murkiness surrounding her story of her heritage, which blew up as an issue in her victorious 2012 Massachusetts Senate race. In recent months, Daily Show host Trevor Noah mocked her for claiming Native American ancestry and the liberal website ThinkProgress published a scathing criticism of her by a Cherokee activist who said she should apologize.
And yet, Democrats are still mentioning her as a ‘serious candidate’ for 2020. Well, those who are willing to look past the BS ‘self-identification’ of Native American. Not all are. Even “natural allies say Warren has displayed a stubborn unwillingness to address the gap between the story she was told of Native Americans in the family tree and a dearth of hard evidence to back it up,” the Globe reported.
Of course, just because Warren says she was told she had that heritage, that doesn’t even approach hard-evidence and substantiation. She could probably clear everything up very quickly with a visit to Ancestry.com. DNA samples are finite things.
Then again, that would constitute hard proof if she wasn’t Cherokee, and if it’s proven she’s not, maybe she stands to be in some legal hot water. And academic hot water. For you see, it’s quite possible she lied to Harvard University some years ago in order to give herself some favored status when she was applying for an academic position there.
“Truth is, she had played the racial spoils game,” wrote Fox Business’ Stuart Varney. “Falsely claiming minority status to get a job,” which allowed Harvard to “tick off two boxes to show diversity: Female and minority.”
Republicans aren’t perfect and I’ll be the first to say so. But why do Democrats continue to either nominate or think about nominating flawed female candidates? Is their quest to check another box — in this case, say they managed to nominate and help elect “the first female president” — more important than putting up someone of character, no matter what color their skin or gender they may be?
The answer, of course, is “yes.”
J.D. Heyes is editor of The National Sentinel and a senior writer for Natural News and News Target.
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Tagged Under: Alt-Left, cultural appropriation, delusion, Election 2020, fake Indian, Fauxcahontas, left cult, Libtards, Pocahontas, President Donald J. Trump, self-identify, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Twisted