Democrats can’t win elections by following the rules so they’re going to STEAL power by cheating and bypassing the Constitution

Hardly a day passes when a Democratic politician, Left-wing cable news pundit, or globalist visionary doesn’t accuse POTUS Donald Trump of depriving Americans of their rights or behaving like he’s the second coming of Adolph Hitler.

Nevertheless, it’s become obvious that, more than two years into his administration, Democrats can’t name a single constitutional right that President Trump has eliminated. What’s more, they can’t point to a single instance when he’s overstepped his presidential authority (getting an executive order shot down by the 9th Circuit doesn’t count since all of those decisions are being overturned on appeal to SCOTUS). 

This is typical behavior for Marxist Democrats: Accuse your political opponents of doing what your own party is doing.

As the 2020 election approaches, the Donkey Party’s leading presidential contenders have made it abundantly clear that if they get their way, they will be the ones responsible for circumventing the Constitution and depriving tens of millions of Americans of their right to fair and equal representation.

The ‘why’ is obvious: Democrats have admitted to themselves they can’t win national elections on the merits of their policy objectives and ideas, so the only way to get power is by seizing it, and the only way to do that is to change the rules of the game and circumvent the Constitution and its original intent.

Dems want to rule, not govern

These measures include:

Bypassing the Electoral College. Begun in 2006, the National Popular Vote (NPV) Compact has gained a lot of steam in recent months, and now the Democratic Left is rallying around the effort after additional states have passed it. The compact calls for states to award all of their electoral votes for president to the candidate who wins the popular vote, regardless of which candidate wins their own state. Colorado and Vermont passed the compact in recent days, bringing the total number of states to more than 12, with a combined 181 electoral votes; 270 are needed to elect the president.

During an appearance on MSNBC — of course — 2020 contender Robert “Beto” O’Rourke praised the idea, which actually came from another contender, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). 

“I think there’s a lot to that because you had an election in 2016 where the loser got 3 million more votes than the victor. It puts some states out of play altogether. They don’t feel like their votes really count,” he said.

Lowering the voting age to 16. Per the Constitution’s Twenty-sixth Amendment, the federal voting age is 18, but Democrats — who believe they have so fully infiltrated the primary education in the U.S. and thus have propagandized America’s youth — now want to lower the age to 16. As noted by Fox News host Tomi Lahren, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently stated how important it is to “capture kids when they’re in high school.”

Packing the Supreme Court with judicial activists. President Obama was able to name two Supreme Court justices and nearly a third, but he was thwarted by a GOP-controlled Senate that refused to consider the last nominee, Judge Merrick Garland. Democrats have never forgiven the GOP for that (there is no constitutional requirement for the Senate to take up a president’s judicial nominee or nominee to any other position, by the way; the Senate’s “advice and consent” role is at its discretion, not that of the Executive Branch). 

Now that POTUS Trump has replaced two justices and likely will a third, Democrats want to dramatically boost the number of SCOTUS justices so they can pack the court with judicial activists, not constitutionalists, and ‘win’ cases that support their agenda. (Related: Thankful for Gorsuch: A Hillary win would have replaced rule of law with tyranny.)

The policy objectives Leftist Democrats are pursuing prove they are the party of authoritarianism, not Republicans. Democrats want their presidents to be rulers, not leaders like POTUS Trump. They want compliance, not debate. They want to force us to live their way, not protect our individualism. 

They pursue these objectives because they don’t believe they can’t win under the system bequeathed us by our founders.

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