Wednesday, February 08, 2017 by News Editors
Forget most of the complaints and accusations against Donald Trump you are hearing these days. There is a growing, ugly and violent war being waged against the Trump administration and conservatives in general. Most of that war is being orchestrated and funded by massively-financed elites of one general movement – the several decades old movement for an aggressively secular, borderless, de-populationist New World Order and world government.
(Article by Steve Jalsevac from Lifesitenews.com)
I strongly urge watching the video below produced by Remnant TV. It provides crucial context. I believe, based on all that I have seen, read and experienced for the past 40 and more years, that the video is right on the mark. Nothing else can explain the massive US and international howling and vicious, non-spontaneous, “spontaneous” demonstrations that have been taking place in many cities and nations.
All the people in the various elements of this New World Order movement fully expected that Hillary Clinton’s election would lead to the implementation of the final stages of their plans. Under Barack Obama and the powerful influence of the European Union, UN and other elites, everything had been rapidly moving towards their gaining powers they have long sought. With that power they were set to radically transform international society, take full control of the economies of all nations, eliminate national sovereignties and impose dramatic social changes and extreme de-population measures on the world.
The election of Donald Trump and a majority of Republicans to the Senate, Congress, governorships and other positions, have left the One-Worlders reeling. To them it has been like a giant earthquake upending their world and their evil plans. They are enraged and hysterical that their expectations of a dizzying final achievement of the total power of man as god has been smashed. That is their ultimate goal – replacing God with man – the great sin of pride of Adam.
Here are the main, all closely interconnected elements of the New World Order movement:
Can Trump and his administration endure this near satanic, on-going assault? Many prayed for him during the election and he astonishingly prevailed. It is clear, despite the president’s personal flaws, that he is doing many right things. He would not be so intensely hated by all these people if he were not.
Even more prayers are needed to protect, guide and inspire Trump and his administration to stay the course and serve the Will of God. Prayers are needed for his continued conversion – especially on the homosexual/transgender rights issues.
There is also great need to pray for the physical safety of President Trump and his leadership team.
The election of Donald Trump has caused the decades-old war that has been waged on what is left of Christian civilization to be suddenly revealed for the ugly and evil war that it has been all along. Until now the war has been very one-sided, with the one-world progressives generally being the only ones fighting, as the relatively passive Christians and their non-Christian allies have given naïve, timid and disorganized resistance.
Typical of the anarchist, masked rioters protesting Trump. This one cited the late Malcolm X, founding father of an Islamic black terrorist movement, to justify the actions of the violent mob in Washington.
The election of Donald Trump has suddenly brought everything into the open that was already underway. It has forced a necessary climax in this world-wide culture war.
This is good. But the “good” must now respond by finally starting to earnestly wage a defensive war to completely defeat the one-worlders. It is time to wake up to the reality of our collective and individual responsibilities in this international conflict between good and evil.
It is not possible to overstate the gravity of the situation.
Keep in mind that in 1976 (showing how long this has been on-going) Pope John Paul II, as then Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, warned,
“We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has ever experienced. I do not think that the wide circle of the American Society, or the whole wide circle of the Christian Community realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-church, between the gospel and the anti-gospel, between Christ and the Antichrist.”
Donald Trump did not start the conflict. He has merely brought it all out into the open for us to respond to.
Read more at: Lifesitenews.com
Tagged Under: Tags: George Soros, new world order, one world government, Pope Francis, population control, President Trump