Thursday, July 05, 2018 by JD Heyes
Mark Zuckerberg and the Marxists he has running his social media company should just come out and say it: ‘If you’re pro-America, pro-President Donald Trump, conservative — or any combination of those things — you’re not welcome at Facebook.’
Because in essence, that’s what they’re already saying.
And they said it again last week when a pro-America Country music band’s patriotic song, “I Stand for the Flag,” was censored from the platform.
As Fox News reported, the Wes Cook Band slammed the social media behemoth after Facebook Nazis prevented the Country group from using the platform’s paid tools to promote their song:
The Nashville-based group released a video for “I Stand for the Flag” on Facebook Monday morning. They planned to promote the video using the paid promotion tools that the social network provides. The request was initially approved and then rejected by Facebook, which cited the video’s “political content,” according to the band.
This new procedure was implemented by Facebook in response to Left-wing outcry over a handful of Russians used the platform during the 2016 presidential election to conduction information warfare operations on behalf of Moscow, and also after Facebook data on millions of users was harvested — legally — by Cambridge Analytica, a firm hired by the Trump campaign.
Because when Leftists like Barack Obama hijack user data to win elections, that’s okay. The media said so.
By late Tuesday, Facebook had reversed its decision, but the fact that it censored the band in the first place after initially approving the group’s ad speaks volumes.
“We recently announced anyone running ads about political or other major national issues must include a ‘paid for’ label,” a Facebook spokesperson told Fox News. “After looking again, we determined that this ad doesn’t need that label. While this is a new policy, and while we won’t ever be perfect, we think knowing who is behind an ad is important, and we’ll continue to work on improving as we roll it out.”
For the record, The National Sentinel ran into a similar problem. We had to jump through all of Facebook’s hoops just to be able to market some stories. That included sending the social media company a photo and a verifiable address, then waiting for Facebook to mail us a special code that we then had to enter on a “Verification” page — even though TNS is a media outlet, not a political organization.
And of course, it’s a pro-America, pro-Constitution media outlet — just the sort of qualities Facebook has been censoring. (Related: Anti-conservative censorship spreads from campuses to GOOGLE and other oppressive tech giants.)
As for the band, frontman Wes Cook told Fox News that the song promotes a message of patriotism, not one of political division; one line says “you ain’t gotta pick a side, you can love your fellow man and still have pride.”
“Our song bleeds unity and love of country. It doesn’t see race, color, religion, or political affiliation,” he said, in a statement. “‘I Stand for the Flag’ means I am thankful for the freedoms and opportunities this country gives all citizens and shows how dependent we all are on each other for the success of our individual American Dream. I believe patriotism is not political.”
Well, it didn’t use to be. Once upon a time patriotism was a sentiment that most Americans felt — pride, honor, duty, country — because regardless of our differences most everyone believed in the core principles of fairness, law and order, and peaceful disagreement and protests.
Those days are long gone, which helps explain why patriotism on this Fourth of July is at an all-time low.
Facebook’s policy of overly scrutinizing some media outlets (like this one and others that relish freedom, independence, and truth) is not helping. It’s only adding to the division.
Read more about Facebook’s censorship at Censorship.news.
J.D. Heyes is also editor-in-chief of The National Sentinel.
Sources for this article include:
Tagged Under: Tags: bias, Censorship, conservatism, Country Music, discrimination, Facebook, hypocrisy, left cult, Libtards, oppression, patriotism, Policy, political policy, politics, suppression, tech giants