Thursday, July 05, 2018 by JD Heyes
The Democratic Party is transforming in a way that few older voters now recognize.
It’s no longer the party of Bill Clinton and it’s long since stopped being the party of JFK.
Today a growing faction of the party is embracing political, cultural, and social values and norms that are completely at odds with those of the constitutional republic upon which America was founded.
This sea change is embodied in the surprise victory of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an avowed Democrat Socialist who unseated 10-term Rep. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., despite the fact that he was a liberal’s liberal.
She wasn’t the only Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) candidate. Four more won Pennsylvania Democratic primaries for the state legislature in June.
What is the DSA and what does it stand for?
If a tweet from the New York City chapter of the DSA is any indication, what they want is chaos:
🌹 Abolish profit
🌹 Abolish prisons
🌹 Abolish cash bail
🌹 Abolish borders#AbolishICE pic.twitter.com/TCFIZqzJrU— New York City DSA 🌹 (@nycDSA) June 29, 2018
— Abolish profit
— Abolish prisons
— Abolish cash bail
— Abolish borders
Such positions are not only irrational but impractical, right? How can any nation survive without borders — and those who enforce border security? Don’t prisons keep bad, dangerous people off the streets and good people safe? Why is cash bail a bad thing; isn’t it better than no bail, ever? And without profits, how will companies sustain themselves and pay employees?
Other positions taken by the DSA include free college, free healthcare, guaranteed government jobs, and other entitlements that, frankly, are not economically sustainable (see Venezuela). Nothing is “free;” somebody pays for everything. And like Lady Margaret Thatcher once said, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” (Related: Democrats go to war with civilization, call for ABOLISHING borders, prisons and all private-sector business.)
But the problem here isn’t that the DSA platform is irrational.
The problem is that support for such lunacy is on the rise.
As reported by The Gateway Pundit:
Emboldened by the success of their candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in defeating the fourth most powerful Democrat in the House of Representatives, Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY), the Democratic Socialists of America posted a photo and statement about an abolish ICE protest the group held [recently] with the message of abolishing many of the pillars of successful civilizations. As is the case with Leftist activism, targeting ICE is a facade for promoting communist revolution. An SDS radical once revealed the truth about that, according to David Horowitz, saying, “The issue is never the issue, the issue is always the revolution.”
Why would any rational people want to create chaos? Think about what Horowitz, himself a former radical Left-winger, said, then think about past revolutions.
In 1917 Russia underwent two revolutionary periods, one in February and the other in October. The latter was an armed insurrection against the old Tsarist autocracy and was launched by Bolsheviks leading armed workers and soldiers. What followed was 70-plus years of authoritarian communism (“Red October”), tens of millions of deaths and, eventually, collapse.
The same thing happened in China. It began before World War II, then was paused while China fought Japanese occupation, but then resumed once more in 1946. It, too, was an armed revolution, and it resulted in a victory for authoritarian communism which endures today. Through the years, murderous Chinese communist dictators killed tens of millions of people.
But of course, the DSA won’t tell anyone what their endgame is. They won’t talk about the history of such movements and how they come about (violence and death). They don’t talk about what comes after the revolution: Poverty, misery, authoritarianism, and eventual collapse.
And they don’t talk about how — no matter where it’s been tried — true socialism always fails.
Read more about Left-wing socialist lunacy at AltLeft.news.
J.D. Heyes is editor of The National Sentinel and a senior writer for Natural News and News Target.
Sources include:
Tagged Under: Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Alt-Left, America, Collapse, communism, Democratic Socialists, democrats, DSA, fascism, free market, ICE, left cult, Liberal Mob, Libtards, Open Borders, revolution, socialism, violence