Friday, February 10, 2017 by Robert Jonathan
Climate change alarmists have come up with a new doom-and-gloom scenario: global warming equals physical violence.
This heat-stress theory was put forth by two Iowa State researchers, a post-doctoral fellow and a liberal arts professor, who start off their essay by claiming that “Environmental scientists from multiple disciplines have overwhelmingly acknowledged human-driven climate change as fact.”
Consider the source may be operative here, because as Health Ranger Mike Adams recently pointed out, the oft-repeated claim that 97% of scientists agree that man-made climate change is settled science — as if science is ever settled — is a bunch of hot air.
Grandstanding globalist Al Gore has even come out with a new movie that tries to reverse engineer his fake climate apocalypse predictions from the first film. (RELATED: Read more about fake science predictions at fakesciencenews.com.)
But wait, there’s more. As alluded to above, according to a lengthy essay published on the Association for Physiological Science website, “A growing body of evidence shows that rapid global warming can (and is) increasing violent behavior.”
Referencing numerous studies, they argue that people tend to get hot under the collar, and physically aggressive when the temperature rises to an uncomfortable level. They also maintain that violent crime spikes in areas with higher temperatures. Other factors include malnourishment — which is driven, in their view, by climate-related food insecurity — in kids leads to antisocial behavior when they become adults. Scarce resources are also supposedly a factor in the rise of terrorism.
The academics also sound the alarm about ecomigration that could lead to conflicts with the local population, “where entire groups migrate in response to the physical, economic, or political instability brought about by an ecological disaster.”
“Clearly, there is a need, and indeed there are many ways, for psychologists to weigh in on the issue of climate change and its relation to violent behavior,” the authors conclude.
Read the entire exposition and draw your own conclusions.
As Natural News previously wondered, however about the so-called global warming consensus,”The issue isn’t whether climate change is real or not, but whether we can continue to allow agenda-driven scientific dogma to direct academic research and public policy.” (RELATED: Read more about the climate change movement at ClimateScienceNews.com)
For discussion purposes, could global warming have caused the mob violence last week at the University of California at Berkeley when conservative journalist Milo Yiannopoulos tried to deliver a scheduled speech?
Or was it more likely the result of pre-orchestrated actions by anti-Milo, anti-President Trump anarchists allegedly paid by George Soros-funded groups to take to the streets? For what it’s worth, the outside temperature at the time was approximately 60 degrees, which isn’t exactly tropical. [RELATED: Read more about leftist billionaire George Soros at Soros.news.]
Milo has vowed to return to Berkeley in the next few months to give the preempted speech, so it will interesting to check the weather report at that time.
Ironically, those participating in the violent protests — however they are caused — who say they oppose fascism and bullying behaved, at UC Berkeley and other venues, like fascist bullies.
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Tagged Under: Tags: climate change, global warming, global warming and climate change