Friday, February 10, 2017 by Randall Wilkens
When Barack Hussein Obama took control of the White House in January of 2009, all across the country the left celebrated. The eight years of George W. Bush’s presidency had already planted the seeds for major national divisiveness and Obama’s promises of “hope” were welcomed and embraced wholeheartedly and without question. Guantanamo Bay would be closed and shuttered due to the atrocities and human rights violations attributed to it. Americans would be given their promised affordable health care. The wars which had plagued the United States since late 2001 would finally be laid to rest. The anti-war left had succeeded in getting their guy all the power he would need to finally bring about the “change” which they were all led to believe in.
The only problem is that, that is not how anything actually happened. The veil of affordable health care immediately became more and more transparent when health insurance became a requirement mandated by law for all United States citizens, whereby those who couldn’t afford to purchase insurance now had to pay more money that they already didn’t have – being garnished from their tax return.
Further, instead of simply allowing citizens to purchase medical insurance across state lines, create competition, and let the economy naturally drive down costs without intervention, a new, even more complex system was installed to ensure that those who felt entitled to health insurance would receive it on the shoulders of those who worked for it. What many have viewed as the final straw with regard to the Affordable Care Act came last October when it was announced that the cost of popular plans would be increasing by 25%.
Up next on the list of failed 2008 campaign promises is the political black hole named Guantanamo Bay, situated in Cuba. While Obama was able to normalize relations with Cuba for the first time in half a century, nothing much was done to shutter the terrorist prison. When outrage erupted over the treatment of the presumed militants being held there during the Bush administration, Obama used that unrest as a political bargaining chip during his campaign, claiming that he would shut down “Gitmo” permanently. More than eight years later, Guantanamo Bay still houses those who are viewed as a tremendous security risk and for eight long years, the left has remained silent on the issue.
The most important (and expensive) item up for discussion is war. In 2008, the anti-war left was in full swing, with strong vocal opposition to the wars that had begun while Bush held office. Again, their guy was going to make broad and sweeping changes once he claimed the White House. The wars were going to end. Peace would be achievable. Barack Obama even won the Nobel Peace Prize less than a year into his first term in office.
Then his use of unmanned drone bombs surpassed, and then dwarfed, that of his predecessor. Wedding parties were bombed. Children and hospitals were targeted. During the last year of his stay in office, America dropped more than 26 thousand bombs on foreign countries. As a matter of fact, during the entirety of both of Obama’s terms in office, a full eight years solid, America was at war with another country every single day, consecutively, without a break. [RELATED: For more information about unmanned drone bombings, check out DroneWars.news]
Still, the left, who at one time were frustrated to the point of outrage over just the mere concept of war, are now virtually non-existent. It appears that the new trend of self-entitlement has replaced any concern for the global community.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Anti-war, hypocrites, Obama, silent