Monday, March 06, 2017 by JD Heyes
As the Deep State and their sycophantic allies in discredited fake news media continue wailing and tossing about all sorts of unsubstantiated allegations about Team Trump’s supposed collusion with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton, there is nothing but silence coming from the same parties regarding the former president’s frequent hosting of representatives from a known terrorist-sponsoring state: Iran.
As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, during Barack Obama’s eight years in the Oval Office, Iranian officials and lobbyists – two high-ranking representatives of Tehran’s government – held more than 30 meetings with top administration officials, indicative of the Obama regime’s earlier admissions it began “negotiating” the so-called “nuclear deal” very early on.
Included in discussions at the White House were a former official with the Islamic republic and another who has been accused of lobbying on behalf of Iran, according to White House visitor logs. The meetings show a clearer picture of just how “in bed” with the Iranians President Obama and his government actually were. (RELATED: Iran Permitted To Build Two New Nuclear Plants Under Provisions Of Deal Signed With Obama Administration)
The WFB noted further:
Seyed Mousavian, a former Iranian diplomat and head of its national security council, was hosted at the White House at least three times, while Trita Parsi, a pro-Iran advocate long accused of hiding his ties to the Iranian government, met with Obama administration officials some 33 times, according to recently updated visitor logs.
People who know about the nature of all these meetings told the website that both men assisted the White House in developing its pro-Iran messaging – propaganda, in other words – that eventually led to the highly criticized nuclear deal, which Iran has reportedly violated a number of times, based on what we know about the agreement.
The efforts to sell the deal to Congress and the American public by the Iranians were part of a wider strategy developed by the White House to create an “echo chamber” – largely among the Washington establishment media and globalist foreign policy ranks – in support of the deal. What the effort was really designed to do was mislead both the American people and their elected leaders on Capitol Hill about the nature and details of the deal.
Americans, however, should have known something was up when the GOP-led Congress took the unusual step of allowing a foreign leader – in this case, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – to address lawmakers in a bid to convince them to oppose the deal. It was all for naught, however; Obama made it anyway.
“Mousavian was Iran’s ambassador to Germany back in the 1990s, when that embassy was the central node of Iran’s European terror network and those in Germany were murdering dissidents in Berlin,” a veteran Iran analyst,who works with Congress often on the issue, told the Free Beacon. “Later he came to the U.S., where he’s being paid with tens of thousands of dollars from the Ploughshares Fund, which funded the Ben Rhodes echo chamber. (RELATED: Iran launches war drills after accusations that U.S. broke nuclear deal)
“In his writings and speeches [Mousavian] repeats the echo chamber talking points by shilling for the Iran deal, talking up fake Iranian moderation, and spinning conspiracy theories about Israelis and Arabs,” the source continued. “No wonder White House officials found time for him.”
Meanwhile, the Obama regime’s famed “Russia reset” was flailing, having been flubbed by the president himself and his hapless secretary of state, Hillary Clinton – but that didn’t stop them from meeting with Russian counterparts – or for Clinton, likely with Obama’s approval, to sign away 20 percent of America’s strategic uranium reserves to Moscow. During the campaign, part of crafting the Team Trump-Russia collusion narrative was casting Clinton and Putin as foes, but would a true foe do that?
And while the two of them may have indeed had a falling out diplomatically, as we have seen time and again there is no evidence that Trump-Russia collusion exists now, or ever.
What’s also true is that regardless of what’s being reported by the discredited mainstream media, there is also no evidence offered by the intelligence community that Russia “hacked” the election or that any Russian operation did anything to change the election’s outcome.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tagged Under: Tags: Hillary Clinton, Iran, Obama Administration, President Obama, Russia