Tuesday, March 07, 2017 by JD Heyes
It’s no wonder the majority of Americans no longer have any faith or trust whatsoever in the Washington establishment media. When they aren’t completely fabricating news out of whole cloth or reporting conjecture and allegations as “proof” of wrongdoing, they are contradicting their own earlier reporting.
Such is the case with The New York Times, the so-called “paper of record,” as it pertains to President Donald J. Trump’s accusations that the administration of his predecessor “wiretapped” him at Trump Tower in the Big Apple.
The president’s initial accusations stem from a summary of events that have taken place against him, his administration in general and his closest advisors in particular – what former Reagan Justice Department official, author and conservative talk radio host Mark Levin characterized as a “silent coup” against Trump during a broadcast last week. (RELATED: Talk Radio Host Mark Levin Says Obama Executing “Silent Coup” Against Trump And It Should Be Investigated.)
During his program, Levin – using open source documents garnered from the establishment press’ own reports – put together a timeline that thoroughly indicates a concerted effort by the Deep State to undermine the Trump presidency with false narratives (“Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary”), selectively leaked intelligence, and subversion through various levels of government.
Again, using open source documentation, Levin pointed out that earlier reporting from the Times and others indicated that the Obama administration had twice sought Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Court (FISA) warrants to conduct electronic surveillance on Team Trump, which may have also included the GOP nominee himself.
The FISA court, which consists of regular federal judges who don’t have any special education or training in intelligence matters and who are appointed to single seven-year terms, did not grant the Obama administration a warrant in June. But apparently, the administration went back to the court in October – in the run-up to the Nov. 8 election – and did get a FISA warrant.
The Times reported this the day before Trump’s inauguration.
In the print version of the story, the Times actually used the term “wiretap,” just like Trump asserted: “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.” An editorial note at the bottom of this online version states plainly that the above headline was used in the print version. You can see the headline itself here. It quotes an anonymous source who says that “wiretapped communications had been provided to the White House” as part of an investigation into “the business dealings that some of the president-elect’s past and present advisers have had with Russia.” (RELATED: Way beyond Watergate: Obama bugged Trump Tower.)
Former U.S. district attorney Andrew McCarthy, who tried national security cases for the government – including the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 – wrote that even after U.S. intelligence agencies could not find any link between Trump, his associates, and Russia, the Obama-era surveillance continued, but it was changed from a criminal investigation to a national security investigation, hence the FISA warrant. (The FBI investigates potential criminal cases; it does not conduct national security surveillance – that is done by the NSA, CIA, and other intelligence agencies.)
In February, citing “four current and former American officials,” the Times reported that Trump campaign aides had “repeated” contact with Russian officials – though again, as always, the paper pointed out, belatedly, that no evidence of any wrongdoing was found. In fact, the amount of “contact” proved to be minimal at best. (RELATED: Obama admin continues to spy on Trump, Sessions after no evidence was found of wrongdoing.)
But the fact is, any information “intercepted” in the course of conducting surveillance against a foreign power – in this case, Russia –could have only come from FISA court-ordered surveillance. Yet now, as Breitbart News noted, the Times is claiming there was never any such FISA surveillance order, no wiretapping and no intelligence data provided to the Obama White House – essentially trashing its own credibility in reporting earlier “developments” in the bogus Trump-Russia narrative.
CNN is, of course, also in on burying earlier reporting establishing the wiretap link. In a piece critical of Levin, correspondent Brian Stelter said the talk show host “cherry-picked” previous reports to conclude a “silent coup” was taking place against Trump.
Levin struck back in a letter to Stelter, which you can see here.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tagged Under: Tags: FISA court, President Donald J. Trump, President Obama, surveillance, Trump Tower