Thursday, March 09, 2017 by Robert Jonathan
One of two meeting that U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions had with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak was orchestrated by the Obama State Department.
In another tedious example of faux outrage, unhinged Democrats started calling for Sessions to step down after the purveyor of fake news, the Washington Post, breathlessly published a misleading report that the former Alabama GOP senator met twice last year with the Russian envoy.
Taking a cue from entrenched, Deep State federal bureaucrats, the Post and other globalist, anti-Trump fake news outlets have been working overtime to connect the president and his team with the narrative of alleged Russian meddling in the campaign to the detriment of Democrat Hillary Clinton.
During his Senate confirmation hearing, Sessions told TV clown Stuart Smalley (aka Minnesota Democrat Al Franken) in response to a question that he never discussed the election with Russian officials.
Franken is one of those shameless grandstanders now accusing Sessions of perjury.
According to former Justice Department official Hans von Spakovsky, Sessions encountered the Russian ambassador, and other foreign dignitaries, at an event sponsored by the U.S. State Department and other groups called Global Partners in Diplomacy. Sessions keynoted the event which was held at the July 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland. As noted by Fox News:
The conference was an educational program for ambassadors invited by the Obama State Department to observe the convention. The Obama State Department handled all of the coordination with ambassadors and their staff, of which there were about 100 at the conference.
Apparently, after Sessions finished speaking, a small group of ambassadors — including the Russian ambassador — approached the senator as he left the stage and thanked him for his remarks. That’s the first “meeting.” And it’s hardly an occasion — much less a venue — in when a conspiracy to “interfere” with the November election could be hatched.
Breitbart News suggested that the Post story downplayed the circumstances surrounding the Ohio meeting by alluding to it in paragraphs 32 and 33 of the article while omitting the State Department angle.
As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sessions met with the Russian ambassador in his office a few months later as he routinely did with many other diplomats.
Sessions has since recused himself from any Justice Department investigations into the 2016 presidential campaign, which leaves career DOJ lawyers and Obama holdovers in charge of the inquiry for now.
AG Sessions has since acknowledged that he should have mentioned that he met with the ambassador on two occasions unrelated to the election.
Reports have since emerged that prominent Democrat lawmakers also met with the Russian ambassador, and Kislyak reportedly visited the Obama White House at least 22 times.
As NewsTarget insisted several days ago, there is no evidence of any Trump-Russia collusion or cooperation, adding that if such evidence existed, the Deep State and the ever-compliant media would have leaked it before the election, especially if they thought Trump was going to win. The whole Democrat-media political complex, as well as many never-Trump Republicans who are part of what has been called the globalist, establishment Uni-party, were exposed on Election Day as being completely out of touch with facts on the ground.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton claims that the Sessions recusal was unnecessary. “The real Russian scandal is that President Barack Obama’s team used the pretext of Russian interference in the election to justify wiretaps and illegal leaks of the Trump team, including a U.S. senator, now attorney general,” he told The Daily Signal.
Judicial Watch is suing the government to obtain records relating to the surveillance of the conversation between Gen. Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador that led to Flynn’s resignation as National Security Adviser after just about three weeks on the job.
President Trump has accused Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower, and Congress plans to look into those allegations. (RELATED: Read more about the Trump administration at Trump.news.)
Tagged Under: Tags: deep state, Jeff Sessions, Russia, Russian hacking