Thursday, March 23, 2017 by News Editors
( Article by Aaron Klein from Breitbart.com )
A closer look at the survey finds it was conducted by a group financed by billionaire George Soros whose activist arm demands reparations for slavery and “mass incarceration,” and has engaged in anti-police activism.
In addition, the survey was not representative of the racial and ethnic profiles of young adults. Instead it focused heavily on demographic samples of populations that voted overwhelmingly against Donald Trump.
The AP story, which was published in major news media outlets, claimed a “majority of young adults — 57 percent — see Trump’s presidency as illegitimate, including about three-quarters of blacks and large majorities of Latinos and Asians, the GenForward poll found.”
“A slim majority of young whites in the poll, 53 percent, consider Trump a legitimate president, but even among that group 55 percent disapprove of the job he’s doing, according to the survey,” the AP article claimed.
AP reports that the poll, titled GenForward, was conducted “by the Black Youth Project at the University of Chicago with The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.”
A note at the bottom of the article states that the survey “was paid for by the Black Youth Project at the University of Chicago, using grants from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the Ford Foundation.”
Unreported by AP is that the Black Youth Project is financed by Soros’s Open Society Foundations.
Read more at: breitbart.com
Tagged Under: Tags: deception, fake news, propaganda, Soros, Trump