Monday, April 03, 2017 by JD Heyes
With each passing day – especially since Donald J. Trump won the November election – we can see how the formerly “mainstream” media is really nothing but an anti-American propaganda entity representing the Democratic Party.
Trump handed Hillary Clinton a second loss in her bid for the White House largely on a single promise: Make America Great Again. The foundation of the popular slogan is that America should take care of America and Americans first and foremost, because that ought to be the obligation of government and our institutions.
But that’s not how Democrats and their media sycophants see things. The Washington Post proved this once again in a recent story lamenting that Trump’s enforcement of immigration laws would mean more people in the country illegally from Mexico will have to go home – where they will then depress wages there (like they were doing in the U.S. – more on that in a moment).
As reported by the Post’s conservative D.C. competitor, the Washington Times, “no mouthpiece in Washington is a more reliable one for crazy leftists in the Democrat Party than the Washington Post, which is out with yet another head-scratcher on illegal immigration.”
“The story not only reminds us how far out of their depth these people are when they try covering illegal immigration accurately, it also reminds us how hilariously obtuse they are about their own fake news and biases.”
The crux of the Post report, says the Times, is that due to Trump’s “new enforcement policies” (which are really just a policy of enforcing existing immigration law), Mexico is preparing for “an influx of men and women like them.” (RELATED: Trump effect: Illegal immigration has plunged 27 percent since #45 took office.)
The fear? Well, these returnees may “transform Mexican society” in the same way their leaving for the U.S. did over the years.
What’s interesting here is that the Left has for years insisted that millions of Mexican citizens flowing into the U.S. was not a big deal at all, but if you thought it was, then you were a xenophobe and a racist (and writers at the Post would call you out). Now, suddenly, with a reverse influx, if you will, those same people will become some kind of negative force on society.
The Post also notes that flights of illegal aliens – many with criminal records in the U.S. but many without one – have increased from the United States back to Mexico. That is a good thing – for Americans. But Mexican citizens and elected officials? They don’t think so.
That’s because successive Mexican governments have been permitted by successive U.S. administrations, especially the most recently departed administration, to violate our immigration laws at will so the country could dump its poorest citizens in our laps. When U.S. taxpayers are ponying up for benefits like health care, welfare, child care and other social services – all without having any help from the illegal alien who is not paying income taxes (because they don’t have Social Security numbers) – the Mexican government doesn’t have to do it. Essentially, then, Mexico City has, for years, been exporting its poverty but then reaping the benefit as a source of income as Mexicans working in the U.S. illegally send large portions of their earnings back home.
Then comes this laugher from the Post: The paper actually found someone in Mexico City who is complaining that so many returning from the U.S. can’t speak Spanish – the language of Mexico.
You seriously cannot make this stuff up.
“Many of these people come not knowing how to speak Spanish,” Amalia Garcia, Mexican labor department secretary, told the Post. “They come feeling very bitter, very ashamed and very hurt.”
[Hint: This can be fixed when citizens from Mexico stop coming to the United States illegally and remaining there for years.]
So if Americans say anything at all about wanting immigrants – legal and otherwise – coming into the country to speak English, why are we labeled racists and hate-filled xenophobes, but it’s totally okay for Mexicans to expect those returning home to speak the language? (RELATED: Mexico Joins The America-Hating Alt-Left In Defying Trump With Call To Citizens To ‘Take Precautions,’ As Deportations Begin.)
As for wage depression, companies that hire illegal workers do so very often at far less than prevailing wages. This has the effect of lowering wages for all workers – including low-skilled American citizens who live in a country with a much higher (and more expensive) standard of living.
The Post and its Democratic supporters obviously have their hearts and sympathies in the wrong place – with people other than Americans. And they still wonder how Trump, with his “America First” message, won. Amazing.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tagged Under: Tags: American First, illegal immigration, law enforcement, President Donald J. Trump, Washington Post