Monday, April 10, 2017 by JD Heyes
Who could have imagined that one of the largest media companies on the planet – begun in the United States, where freedom of speech and expression is enshrined in our founding document – would become one of the biggest censors since Nazi Brown Shirts roamed Germany burning books and beating political opponents?
Welcome to Google 2017, where far-Left ideologues who manage the company’s media operations are set to decide what their readers can and cannot see, based solely on political ideology.
As reported by The Guardian, Google – which is following Facebook’s lead – has tweaked its news-gathering algorithm to weed out so-called “fake news” that it claims is spreading “misinformation” via the Internet:
Google is to start displaying fact-checking labels in its search results to highlight news and information that has been vetted and show whether it is considered to be true or false, as part of its efforts to help combat the spread of misinformation and fake news.
The fact-checking feature, which was first introduced to Google News in the UK and US in October, will now be displayed as an information box in general search results as well as news search results globally.
How will this work? According to the report, there will be small segments of information displayed regarding claims made in certain news reports on particular sites, in addition to so-called fact-checking of the highlighted claims. (RELATED: Google, YouTube waging “demonetization” WAR on alternative media to bankrupt independent journalism)
In other words, if a Google (or Facebook) editor believes the claims to be false – such as, say, a claim by us that there is no evidence to support the Democratic and establishment media narrative that “Russia hacked the election to help Donald Trump,” even if we offer proof in our reporting – that story will be accompanied with a “fake news” label.
The next step, mind you, will be out-and-out censorship, along the lines of what CNN host Don Lemon did last week after the bombshell story broke outing former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice as the one who unmasked Trump campaign and transition team members, for political purposes.
Because he is an Obama sycophant and because he believes the story to be false and a “diversion” from the real story (Trump-Putin “collusion” – which didn’t happen), he made the decision to purposefully ignore it.
Nevertheless, Google and Facebook are defending their decisions to arbitrarily assign ‘fake news’ labels to any stories they don’t like or don’t agree with.
“With thousands of new articles published online every minute of every day, the amount of content confronting people can be overwhelming,” said Cong Yu of Google and Justin Kosslyn from fact-check partner Jigsaw, in a statement. “And unfortunately, not all of it is factual or true, making it hard for people to distinguish fact from fiction. (RELATED: Google To Start Flagging Content Found To Be “Offensive” By Crybully Snowflakes Who Are Triggered By Reality)
“As we make fact checks more visible in search results, we believe people will have an easier time reviewing and assessing these fact checks, and making their own informed opinions.”
Let’s be clear about one thing: There certainly is a fair amount of fake news being published online, but much of it is coming from the Marxist media establishment that includes networks like CNN, as well as legacy newspapers like The New York Times and the Washington Post.
Time and again, in the lead-up to the Nov. 8 election with fake polls showing a massive Hillary Clinton win, to fake news reports claiming Russia used hundreds of websites to spread anti-Clinton propaganda, to the wholly discredited “Russia hacked the election to help Trump” narrative, it’s been the so-called “mainstream media” that has been discredited. But because it shares a far-Left Marxist ideology with the founders of Google and Facebook, the fact-filled alternative media – which regularly publishes reports that diminish Alt-Left Democrats – are the ones regularly punished.
If you seriously want to avoid being duped by the social media giants who now actively censoring real media on their news feeds, bypass them and monitor Censored.news throughout the day, where truth is always available.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tagged Under: Tags: Censorship, Facebook, fake news, Google