Wednesday, May 10, 2017 by Robert Jonathan
Political correctness pushed by the progressive movement is particularly egregious at public universities, i.e. those funded primarily by the taxpayer and it is getting difficult to keep track of every instance of it that is running rampant on America’s college campuses.
Case in point: the University of California-Davis, where the student government recently amended its bylaws, in a vote, to make the display of the American flag optional rather than mandatory at its meetings. For some time, the student senate was apparently ignoring the requirement to display the flag in the first place.
Optional may be a term of art in this context. Given 24 hours notice, a student senator can petition for the flag to be displayed at a session, with approval left up to the discretion of the senate as a whole. This may be a rhetorical question, but in this PC climate, how likely is it that such approval will be granted?
The preamble to Senate Bill 76 claims that “the concept of the United States of American and patriotism is different for every individual, it should not be compulsory that the flag is in view at all times during Senate meetings.”
Instead of being triggered by patriotism, the left should celebrate the flag as a symbolic representation of the freedom we are allowed as Americans. The left seems hell-bent on pushing its warped worldview onto the public, beginning with those young minds at our nation’s educational institutes. They also have a foothold in government offices, the mainstream media, and elsewhere. At the same time, leftists seek to squelch the free-speech rights of those who oppose a socialist, totalitarian agenda.
UC-Davis Senator Michael Gofman, a first-generation American who opposed the amendment, said that it was a political issue for the senate, despite a denial from his counterparts on the other side of the debate who claimed that the revision was unrelated to politics, while also denying the group was banning the flag.
“I have a much closer connection to places outside of America. I understand what the alternative looks like. I don’t think members of the senate know what it is like to live in a totalitarian country,” Gofman told The Sacramento Bee.
A UC-Davis College Republicans official deemed the senate’s action, among other things, as a slap in the face to members of the U.S. armed forces. (RELATED: Read more about the insanity of today’s college students at CampusInsanity.com.)
Parenthetically, the UC-Davis administration more-or-less disassociated itself from the American flag bylaws change by insisting that it was a decision the students made on their own.
Health Ranger Mike Adams, the founder of Natural News, recently wrote that freedom-loving Americans must practice what he described as mental self-defense to protect themselves from PC crybullies, zombies and other snowflakes in general. Presumably, this technique applies both on campus and throughout society at large. Dedicate yourself to clear thinking and avoid the false narratives of the PC culture including those promulgated by the fakestream news media, Adams recommended.
Although the California state government hopelessly panders to the PC cohort, the Trump administration might be well-advised to strongly consider yanking any federal funds from schools who engage in such leftist, anti-liberty indoctrination.
Tagged Under: Tags: American Flag, free speech, patriotism, political correctness, UC Davis