Tuesday, May 23, 2017 by Frances Bloomfield
“So you don’t care about having hate flags on your wall?” asked Heather Franklin while she and two children were inside Everyday Deals Extreme, a liquidation store in Portland, Ore. The “hate flags” in question were rugs bearing the Confederate flag, a “symbol of slavery, and lynching, and raping of black people,” according to the 33-year old mother of four. Store employees disagreed and dismissed her as she continued to record the incident on her phone. The Facebook Live video documenting the encounter between Franklin and store employees has since gone viral, garnering thousands of views and a torrent of liberal outrage.
One employee curtly told her that the flag wasn’t a hate symbol and that Franklin should “read [her] history.” Not content to just let things be, Franklin confronted another employee. This employee flipped her off and said: “Bye, b***h. Get your kids out of here…Hillary supporter? Bernie supporter? Which one did you vote for that lost? Is that why you’re in a bad mood?”
Franklin answered: “No, I’m in a bad mood because there are hate symbols on the wall and I brought my kids in here and now I have to see hate signs on the wall while I’m grocery shopping.”
Franklin then moved to the parking lot after employees threatened to call the police on her. She continued her rant there while an employee followed her out and filmed her from a distance. Things eventually escalated to the point where Franklin burst into hysterics as a concerned woman tried to calm her down. Franklin called the employees “monsters” and “evil men”, even claiming that the men attempted to prevent her from leaving the store and attacked her. Neither was seen on the video. Franklin hyperventilated for several more minutes before she finally left.
In response to the video and the liberal fury it elicited, Everyday Deals Extreme CEO Andrew Toolson said that the rugs had been taken down, and that the employees in the video had been placed on indefinite leave. “We receive thousands of different products,” Toolson said, explaining that they had received a load of 150 rugs on the week of the incident. “On that load were a few of these rugs with symbol of Confederate flag. We’ve contacted the rug supplier and said please don’t send us those.”
On the incident, Toolson stated: “I’m really sorry this happened, it’s not a normal occurrence. I’m sorry she had to go through that. I was sick to my stomach when I saw it. We’re not a racist organization. There’s no place for that here.”
Protests have popped up, regardless. Signs with the words “Don’t support racism”, “This business is racist”, and “Harassment isn’t a good business model” were held up by protesters who stood outside of the store. One protester even commented: “That is merchandising of hate and making money off of hate. We’re here to bring the public’s attention to that, and to stop it.”
Others have come out to admonish the behavior of the employees while also defending the store, asserting that they had every right to sell the Confederate flag rugs. Some have even taken to counter-protesting the protesters. (Related: Amazon.com caught lying about Confederate flag censorship while supporting terror groups)
Franklin stated that she has no intentions of ever shopping at the store again. “It seems that store is full of terrible people,” Franklin told OregonLive.com. Toolson, meanwhile, has expressed his hopes to reach out to Franklin and apologize for the incident.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Confederate flag, liberals, Portland