Saturday, June 03, 2017 by JD Heyes
Once upon a time, former champion bodybuilder, action star and California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger fashioned himself somewhat of a political conservative, eschewing the views of most of his Hollywood friends and co-stars on a variety of issues.
Well, something has changed in the man and, frankly, I blame his stint as governor of the state with the most Left-wing lunatics per capita in the country.
Like so many of his liberal friends, Schwarzenegger is a member and believer in the Church of Global Warming and Climate Change, though to my knowledge the man has no special training or education in scientific matters. But then, neither do most other members of the same sect, all of whom believe that somehow, we don’t have the power to stop spending ourselves into oblivion and effectively guard our southwestern border, but we have the know-how and technological capability to control the weather or, at least, influence it greatly.
Like so many other Left-wing maniacs when it comes to this issue, Schwarzenegger has gone all hysterical following President Donald J. Trump’s announcement Thursday that he would pull the United States out of the phony-baloney Paris Climate Accords. Trump acted in fulfillment of a key campaign promise and saved U.S. taxpayers, businesses, and industry hundreds of billions of dollars that would have been redistributed to much of the rest of the world under the pact.
All of this commotion, because Trump has now endangered the entire globe with his decision and we’re all destined for a future of 120-degree winter temperatures, choking air and polluted water because we refuse to regulate cattle farts and stop breathing. Or something. (RELATED: Peer-Reviewed Science Journal Gets HOAXED By Fake Science Paper That Claims PENISES Cause Climate Change)
In a video posted after Trump’s announcement via ATTN, a media company based in Los Angeles, Schwarzenegger urged citizens and elected officials to “rise up” (as in resist, as in the Left’s current favorite buzz word when it comes to all things Trump) so the planet will be saved.
“One man cannot destroy our progress, one man can’t stop our clean energy revolution, one man can’t go back in time. Only I can do that,” said the Terminator star, in an attempt at humor.
Well, after listening to Trump’s speech in the White House Rose Garden Thursday, I can’t say I heard anything at all about ‘going back in time’ by repealing current clean air and water regulations, or that the president was going to try to put the kibosh on our “clean energy revolution,” which isn’t really one — yet — but may come about someday when renewable, clean energy is more prevalent and affordable to Americans not named Arnold Schwarzenegger.
“Like all great grassroots movements in human history, our clean future starts with a grassroots movement in our communities, our cities and our states,” he added “We can’t leave it to Washington to lead. We need to do it ourselves.”
Except when Barack Obama was president — right Arnold?
Before making this ridiculous video and predicting that the people would “rise up” along with state and local governments galore, maybe The Terminator should have done some more research on the subject.
— While major global polluter China “vowed” to keep its “commitments” made in the Paris accords, that only meant that Beijing would stick to its original plan of generating more carbon emissions. As noted by The Daily Signal, China will be expanding its “coal-fired power capacity from around 900 gigawatts last year to as high as 1,100 gigawatts by 2020,” which is “more than the total power capacity of Canada.”
Yes, China pledged on an agreement that Obama signed it would continue producing more greenhouse gases in the foreseeable future, all while America would have been forced to reduce its emissions by cutting power plants, cutting jobs and raising Americans’ electric rates. (RELATED: Latest global warming scare: CO2 said to set “record” even as latest data show NO warming taking place)
— The Daily Signal also noted in a separate assessment of Trump’s decision that he was right to withdraw the U.S. because the agreement was very costly and ineffective; would cost taxpayers billions per year in Green Climate Fund payments that subsidize green energy development for other countries; would have made American energy far less competitive.
The tortured narrative of “climate change” is a hoax, period. It’s always been a hoax and always will be, and no amount of hot air from former stars who have an ax to grind with the current president will change that.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tagged Under: Tags: Anti-Trump, Arnold Schwarzenegger, climate change, global warming hoax, Paris Climate Accords, President Donald J. Trump, video, withdrawal