Thursday, June 08, 2017 by Jayson Veley
For gamers across the world, 2017 is shaping up to be a fantastic year. One of the first video game blockbusters of the year was Horizon: Zero Dawn, which allows players to explore an apocalyptic world full of mechanical beasts and mysterious relics of the past. In the coming months, Naughty Dog will be releasing the sequel to one of the company’s most popular titles, The Last of Us, yet another apocalyptic game about a worldwide infection that turns humans into mindless zombies.
There are many other video games releases set for this year that are highly anticipated, but the game that is being talked about most right now is actually set to be released in February, 2018: Ubisoft’s fifth installment of the incredibly popular Far Cry series.
Far Cry 5 will take place right here in the United States. Players will be able to face off against a militant Christian cult, the members of which appear to use their religious views as an excuse for cold-blooded murder. Indeed, in the first trailer released by Ubisoft, the cultists are seen dragging a kicking and screaming woman into a lake and forcing her head underwater, which may very well be the groups disturbed version of a baptism.
Additionally, a recently released piece of artwork for Far Cry 5 features seven of the game’s characters sitting around a table, a scene that is reminiscent of Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper. In the middle of the table sits a character who is presumably the leader of the group, with an open book in front of him and a plethora of weapons resting against the table. In the bottom left corner sits a shirtless man with the word “sinner” carved into his back.
But while the artwork and the trailer were no doubt enough to get millions of gamers across the globe excited for the game’s release in 2018, many people are wondering about the not-so-hidden message that Ubisoft is trying to convey.
For many years now, but perhaps most prominently during the Obama era, Christianity has been the subject of harsh criticism and ridicule primarily by the progressive left. At the 2015 Easter Prayer breakfast, Barack Obama himself said, “As I Christian, I am supposed to love. And I have to say that sometimes when I’ve listened to less than loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned.” Also in 2015, at the National Prayer Breakfast, the 44th president demanded that Christians “get off their high horse” about Christian persecution. “Remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” Obama said. “In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”
There are several more examples of Christian discrimination throughout Barack Obama’s time in office. Billy Graham of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has gone on record claiming that Obama’s Internal Revenue Service targeted his group and attempted to intimidate them. The owners of a small bakery in Colorado faced one year in jail for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a homosexual couple because it conflicted with their religious beliefs. The federal government and the Park Service have established a new rule requiring those who wish to hold baptisms in public places to apply for a permit at least 48 hours in advance of the ceremony.
Now, sadly, it appears that this same anti-Christian mentality has started to invade the video game industry. Far Cry 5 will undoubtedly be a fun game and will most likely sell millions of copies within the first few months, but when it comes to having respect for the world’s most popular religion, Ubisoft seems to be lacking.
Tagged Under: Tags: far cry 5, technology, ubisoft, Video Games